Darlington D1

Feb 09, 2012 18:30

Apparently I have finished a draft of Darlington! I wasn't entirely sure I was going to-- and I'm not thrilled with the ending I wrote-- but I now have the three essentials for revision: a beginning, a middle and an end.

For those who are interested, the stats:
- There are 51 chapters, ranging from 4-14 pages.

- My spreadsheet says I have 424 pages total, though my on-page numbers go up to 417 (rewriting chapter 1 multiple times is mostly the cause of this discrepancy)

- My spreadsheet also tells me that there are 111,135 words in this draft. I am an over-writer, so I knew this would be hefty going in. However, for me, that's light for a first draft, so... yay?

- There are at least three chapters I left intentionally short because I know I will be fixing them in the next draft with more... stuff. Good stuff. Promise. (Yeah, no real words left for description, sorry!)

- There are 4 versions of chapter 1.

- There are 3 versions of chapter 24

- There are 2 versions of chapters 18, 19, 23 & 31

- I still have not written the kissing scene in chapter 43 like I told Jess I would. Oops.

- I began this book on December 9, 2010. That is 418 days from initial idea to end of draft one. If this seems long to you, during that same time I also revised (meaning tore the sh*t out of) ACCURSED. Twice. (See This Post for last year's writing stats.)

And now I must shove all of it into a file and send it to my bestie before she kills me for making her wait for it :)

AND this means that tomorrow I get to work on Nat's story on the bus! Yay!

d1, writing, darlington, stats

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