Awesome Thing the First: Going to the list of October books for LibraryThing's Early Reviewers and seeing BORN WICKED. If you're not a member of
The Thing, I love-love-love this site. I bought a lifetime membership in 2006 and I've been using it ever since to catalog my books-- super-helpful when I'm out and can't remember if I've already purchased a book (what, this doesn't happen to you?).
Anyway, can I just say it's super-cool to see BORN WICKED as the most-requested book this month-- and they just posted the list this morning? And 228 people are already requesting it? (and it was 221 when I looked like, three minutes ago) *happy dance*
Awesome Thing the Second: Gingerbread coffee. Perfect for this cold day!
Awesome Thing the Third: Space heaters. We don't have the heat on in the house yet cause it's supposed to warm up some this week, but I need warmth to type and just the fingerless gloves weren't quite cutting it.
Awesome Thing the Fourth: Exchanging flaily/venty/silly emails with
my CP.
Awesome Thing the Fifth: Agent-type research. No, really. I might complain about how long it takes, but it's amazing to see that there are so many people who love books and stories and who work so hard to make sure those stories get to readers :-)
Awesome Thing the Sixth:
My contest is still running! Writers, you have until midnight (US Eastern Time) Thursday to enter to win a first chapter critique!
Not So Awesome Thing: My to-do list is exploding. My little sister is getting married at the end of the month (*sniffle*), I'm gearing up to query and I'm still trying to figure out what the eff is wrong with my wrists. So now I must run away from LJ-land & get back to finishing off my last read-through on the manuscript and finishing touches on the query and fixing that darn synopsis. *sigh* One day I will do All The Things. Just, um, not today o_O