
Jan 02, 2011 21:44

Like I said last year, I've never been a big fan of the New Year holiday. But last year I took a look at what I'd done in 2009 and what I wanted to do in 2010 and read a few of Maggie Stiefvater's butt-kicking posts, and decided to make some resolutions.

Then I, er, kinda took that to the extreme and seriously ran myself into the ground (multiple times) in 2010. Now, I don't blame the resolutions for that, but I was conscious as I made my list for this year that something had to change.

So what did I do in 2010?
- I revised WINGS AND FANGS: BEWITCHED 1+ times.
- I started querying the above
- I completed three drafts of ACCURSED (formerly QUENTS)
- I critiqued two complete novels manuscripts and parts of many others (for multiple people)
- I started seriously drafting my Tavern Cinderella book (still need a good working title...)
- I started a new novel (currently DARLINGTON)
- I began Serious Revisions on THE TIES OF BLOOD (first Arion book; adding another POV)
- I worked out series plans for the Wings and Fangs (5) and Arion (3) books and started poking at the idea of a sequel or two for ACCURSED.
- And I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

The above got me to just over 453000 words.

Now. Don't get me wrong. I'm very proud of everything that I did. And I love writing and I'm really happiest when I'm writing. However-- I'm starting out my 2011 resolutions with something rather abstract, but necessary: Learn Balance.

I've got some ideas of how I'm going to do this, and while I feel I'm fairly open on this blog, I don't particularly want to go into details, since some if it is family/personal/financial stuff. So it's not really as abstract as it sounds, I promise :)

Where writing is concerned, though, here are my goals for 2011:

1) Finish drafting at least one novel (but two would be awesome).
2) Complete THE TIES OF BLOOD revision
3) Continue the agent hunt
4) Revise previous work as necessary
5) Finish critique in a timely fashion (sorry to Amie & Dawn that I didn't make this resolution sooner-- I swear, you're on the list!)
6) Write a second-in-series book, if only for practice/myself.

Also, I'm aiming to read 50 books next year. I read a pitiful 40 this year. 40! Argh. I'm so upset with myself, but I know it's in direct correlation to more writing output, so I'm going to aim for slightly more at 50 books.

And believe me, I realize that all of these goals make it look like I'm going to make 2011 into 2010-Part-II with the running-myself-ragged-ness, but last year I wasn't really conscious of this issue. Now, though, I'm determined to make time for me-things. Not only for writing, but for writing in my diary (which I'm also resolving to write in more often), for reading, for knitting, for chilling with my doggie, for helping plan my sister's wedding, for cooking dinner. I can still try to write every day, but I don't have to make some epic word count just to make it.

I'm pretty determined to make 2011 a year of awesome, but since I'd really love it if I could make it to 2012 to enjoy it, the awesome is going to come in balanced packages :)

writing, accursed, ttob, w&f, goals

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