(no subject)

Jan 11, 2004 04:36

It appears after my readership reached a peak of 3 it has now dwindled to 0, but I will write none the less because it's 4:00 am and I don't feel like going to bed. Funny this journal is online and anyone can see it but I don't mind, and the other day I needed somewhere to write and chose my school book, then worried when I couldn't find it in my bad at school, thinking someone there could find it. I hadn't even written about school, which by the way is going fairly well.

Tyler has moved to Montreal and right now Aislynn is here visitiing him. I hung out with them at Adam's place where we drank some fine grocery store wine (yay Quebec and boo LCBO suckers!) and watched a tear inspiring documentary called 'Trekkies'. I forget the exact moments I wanted to cry but I think it was the family of four 'trekkies' fathered by the dentist trekkie who has a star trek dental office, and star trek role playing has saved his 'romance' with his wife. Tyler was the first to express the urge to cry, while the rest of us were still laughing at these people, but at least they have something... even if it is Star Trek.

Yesterday Caroline and I went out for dinner at a really nice Thai place, then we went to Drugstore, a bar in the gay village, which you'd think would be the one place her boyfriend wouldn't mind her going, but she still had me speak to him on the phone to assure him she was with me. I just said happy new years and sorry I was about to make Caroline go to the magazine store with me, which could take forever. I don't dislike him but he's gotta give up being so distrustful. He'll end up like the boyfriend of my old co-worker Cheryl who was completely weird and showed up when she went for drinks with me and the 40 year old women from work. If something bad is going to happen to someone, or they're going to cheat, than they are going to do it and talking to them on the phone every 2 hours isn't going to stop it. Anyways it was fun to dance among some middle aged lesbians, and other younger girls who don't want to be hit on by the grossness found at many St.Laurent clubs (and maybe they are lesbians too I don't know). We didn't stay long though because the music was really disco, the first time they played 'I Will Survive' it was fun, but when they played it a second time we had to go (maybe it was a special 8 minute extended version). The dancing was also disappointingly bad and there was a woman who reminded me of Ms. Basyluk a teacher from my junior high, lipsynching the words to this song and dancing around by herself. Beej I am writing all this part just for you, and you can also enjoy the image of your favourite girl Caro dancing around and singing ALL of the songs and using her dance troupe skills to their fullest. (Writing this has lasted longer than we did there, and I have to amend that last line because I am your favourite girl).

I am not the favourite of some people at my school who I'm convinced can't stand me and make me nervous. When people actually say shit to me or about me I'm usually really strong but in uncertain passive agressive situations like this I just end up really uncomortable. It used to be easier, I'm softening up. Oh well I'm still in one peice, for now.

If Madonna could go back and give herself one peice of advice it would be: 'Don't take it all personally.' She may be a calculated media manipulator with mostly bad music for the last decade, and really the first decade too only back then it was danceable (and I love it), but I will leave you all (or myself) with this sage advice because it works.

xoxx Kathleen.
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