This is thanks to
theodosia and the rest of my LJ universe:
Utinam barbari spatium proprium tuum invadant!
"May barbarians invade your personal space!"
You are highly confrontational and possibly in a bad mood. You would have sworn in this quiz, if I had made it an option.
Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You?brought to you by
Quizilla This is thanks to
Harry Potter Personality Quiz by
Pirate Monkeys Inc. This is thanks to
1. Where were you born (city or state or just country)? San Bernardino, California. (Yeah, a true California girl.)
2. What is your favorite number? 19 (Or 13, 17, etc. I love prime numbers.)
3. Vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla. With caramel sauce.
4. What section of a bookstore would I find you in? Almost any -- Maps, romance, science fiction/fantasy, literature, history, YA.
5. What kind of mattress do you have on your bed? soft? firm? water? Cushioned but firm (no pillow top).