Thank you, fellow Journal-ists, for providing respite from arduous tasks. :-)
A is for age: Older than dirt, or maybe I'm confused because I'm often covered in dirt. Some piece of paper says I'm 49, but I do my best not to act it and am usually told I don't look it (perhaps I look 79?).
B is for booze: It has been the consensus that I've previously enjoyed enough to last the rest of my lifetime.
C is for career: Unemployed and sporadically employed. Formerly a technical writer, now considering a career change since a current requirement for technical writers is relocation to India.
D is for dad's name: Harry Corbett (Buddy) Dean
E is for essential item to bring to a party: Used to be wine, now it's flowers or food. I make some wicked salsas.
F is for favorite song at the moment: "Now I'm Free From...What You Are," Audioslave
G is for girl friend:
vickyunleashed and Lorna, who is far too busy homeschooling, shuttling kids to Tae Kwon Do and piano lessons, and settling family crises to post on LJ.
H is for hometown: Tallahassee, FL
I is for instruments you play(ed): Piano and guitar many moons ago.
J is for jam or jelly you like: Homemade raspberry-boysenberry.
K is for kids: One teenage daughter; two feathered beasts; one feline who is the approximate size of the Hindenburg; and one underweight feline who can't seem to find enough to eat (wonder why).
L is for living arrangements: With aforementioned kids and one husband in a house he built that's far too big for me to keep up and includes far too little storage space (wasn't his priority). On 5 acres that I can't afford to landscape a tiny portion of, such as raised gardening beds, due to previously mentioned lack of steady employment.
M is for mom's name: Faye
N is for name of your best friend: See girlfriends.
O is for overnight hospital stays: 4 separate trips of varying length. After the first one, I got to keep what they found. We brought her home and named her Sierra.
P is for phobia[s]: I seem to have become inordinately concerned about myself or those I love standing near the edge of a vertical precipice. I guess climbing El Capitan is out for me.
Q is for quote you like: Several by Thoreau, Emerson, Twain, Shakespeare...and now Obama.
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: Current, 11.5 years together, 6 years married.
S is for sexual position: Depends on the mood and the moment.
T is for time you wake up: Typically it's earlier than I'd prefer.
U is for unique trait: Retaining some basic farmgirl interests despite my phases as hippie wannabe, urban socialite, and high-tech wage slave. (Another favorite quote from Steel Magnolias which I hope to someday be worthy of: I'm an old Southern woman and we're supposed to wear funny hats and grow vegetables in the dirt.)
V is for vegetable you love: Fresh, homegrown tomatoes and corn.
W is for worst trait: I'm a stress puppy and tend to lose my sense of humor when I get anxious.
X is for x-rays you've had: Teeth and shoulder.
Y is for yummy food you make: Fresh salsas, real Key Lime pie (family sends limes), chili, chicken noodle soup, bbq ribs or pork, country fried steak and gravy, cornbread, stuffing, breakfast quiche, all sorts of tomato dishes with fresh herbs, crab cakes, crab and roasted corn salsa soup, some Thai and Caribbean entrees. My family wishes I'd cook more of that and fewer experiments that involve tofu, couscous, whole wheat pasta, or squash.
Z is for zodiac sign: Virgo and Goat (Chinese)
First job: Cashier and server at local fried chicken franchise (owned by the man who then met my mother and temporarily became my stepfather).
First screen name: kathidean (i'm so creative)
First funeral: My grandfather.
First pet: Fluffy (as I've said, I take no responsibility for that name). First pet I owned after emancipation from my parents' house: Jupiter.
First piercing: Ears. Second piercing: ears.
First tattoo: None.
First kiss: I was sweet 16. (Let me know when you're done laughing. I was shy.) To this day he is still a dear friend.
First enemy: Don't remember.
First favorite musician: Paul McCartney, "the cute Beatle." Hey, I was only 8.
Last car ride: Last night, back from a meeting.
Last kiss: My husband as he left for work, unless you count the cat licking my face.
Last movie watched: Because I forced my family to watch Gettysburg for their own good and Sierra's historical education (I dragged her through the real site kicking and screaming a couple of years ago), she was allowed to choose Identity the next night.
Last phone call: I don't know. I didn't recognize the number so I decided to wait for a message and they didn't leave one.
Last time showered: Yesterday afternoon.
Last CD played: Audioslave
Last website visited: Aside from, that would be and
Single or Taken: Taken
Sex: Female
Birthday: September 13
Siblings: Two younger, both living in Georgia. One would make a fine subject for a soap opera involving various trials and tribulations (she has been unemployed, too, for starters, and the rest would truly strain your credulity). One is the "good daughter" who always behaved as she was instructed and is now the typical stressed out, overworked soccer mom. I talk to both frequently.
Hair color: It was born blonde but I have to help it along now.
Eye color: Green
Shoe size: 6.5-7
Height: 5' 4"
Right now what are you...
Wearing: Sweats and sheepskin boots. I'm supposed to be sealing the stone in the bathroom and cleaning the carpets when I'm not job searching, so comfort is imperative. (Thus I sit here filling out a survey. I should go back and add "procrastination" to my Worst Trait category.)
Drinking: Decaf tea.
Thinking about: How I should log off LJ and get back to work around here...right after I fix breakfast.