15 in 1 fic: Friendship "Pizza, Beer and Snow"

Feb 03, 2012 16:24

Title: Pizza, Beer and Snow
Rating: G
Genre: Friendship
Summery: As luck would have it, it snowed the day Mary decided to leave Albuquerque
Authors Note: I'm participating in a fun little contest called 15genres1prompt where you get a write fifteen different fics for one show/parring. Other people post a prompt (just one) and a list of 15 prompts. Then they are randomly assigned to the other participants. The prompt I got was luck. The show/parring that I picked was In Plain Sight and Mary/Marshall.

Pizza, Beer and Snow

As luck would have it, the day Mary decided that she’d had enough with Albuquerque and being a Witsec Marshal there was snow in the desert. It was her first winter there and she hadn’t expected snow, at least, not snow like what they got. It closed the airport, her one real escape form the hell that was the desert in the winter. Her car wouldn’t start, which wasn’t unusual, and her apartments heater didn’t work near as well as she would have liked.

She wasn’t sure what she was going to do when she looked out the window on her first day off in what seemed like forever. The thick blanket of snow on the ground below made her wish she was back in New Jersey where at least she would have a sister and a mother to avoid. Her she had nothing but her thoughts and the cold to keep her company.

Sitting on her couch looking at a fuzzy TV screen (she’d not bothered having cable hooked up yet and the snow was playing havoc with her receptions) and contemplating if any pizza place would deliver in the mess that was Albuquerque in the snow when there was a knock at her door.

“No way the pizza boy is psychic.” She mumbled out loud as she got off the couch. The shock she got when she opened the door was only slightly less than if it had been the pizza boy.

“Hi Mary.” Her new partner, the ever annoying Marshal Marshall Mann, was standing on her door step holding a pizza box and a six pack of beer. From the smell, it seemed that the pizza was still hot. She didn’t know what to say; just stood there in her holey sweats and socks and stared at him.

Undeterred Marshall kept talking. “I figured that you wouldn’t be out and about much today with the snow and all. And, well, since we had such a hard week at work I thought you might like to unwind, and being as you’re new to the area I figured that you probably hadn’t had time to make many friends yet.”

“I have plenty of friends, Doofus. Just not ones stupid enough to come out in this weather.” She stepped aside to let him enter.

“You’re just unhappy because your car doesn’t run in this weather, and if it did, it would probably slide off the street.” He walked past her into the apartment as he spoke, looking for a place to set the food and beer. “Going for the poor college student look I see.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not sure how long I’m going to be staying in this hell hole, so I didn’t really invest in expensive furniture.” Mary said, though, now that Marshall had mentioned it, the room did look sparse and unlived in.

“Well,” he said, sitting on the couch and placing the pizza box next to him and the beer on the ground, “I hope I can get you to decide this is where you want to live forever.”

She shook her head. She didn’t think so, but for free pizza and beer with the only person she knew outside of her boss in Albuquerque she’d consider anything. And perhaps the idiot on the couch next to her-who was going on about the history of cheese-would one day be her friend.

marshall, in plain sight, 15 genres 1 prompt, mary, mary/marshall, fanfic

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