Sep 12, 2008 14:57
Lest I unduly alarm anyone, I wrote the previous post yesterday and the predictions for Austin County have improved. Ike is expected to go further northeast which will spare us the worst of the hurricane force winds. We may be topping out here closer to 74 mph in Narnia, where we're utilizing the best of our boy and girl scout talents to make this as comfortable as possible.
What could be more romantic than eating jerky by candlelight with my sweetie while rain patters, er, hammers (sideways!!!) on the roof. Don't worry. We'll be fine!
MOOD: a savory blend of serentiy and excitement with just a hint of apprehension, that can be sweetend by substituting music for the audio feed from the continuous local hurricane coverage.
MUSIC: the lovely hum of the airconditioner we may be missing later this evening...