Apr 04, 2007 22:10
In the dim light of the nocturnal houshold, everything looks like paint.
After the second intense painting session in two days, my brain translates the ambient light into simple greyscale strokes.
This painting that I glimpsed in a flash nearly a year ago has come in starts and stops. Mr. Toad’s wild ride, exhilaration at the idea of it alternating with doubt regarding my ability to render something that comes only in flashes of inspiration, lightning bolt revelations of a world otherwise hidden by darkness. How can you paint something you can’t see for more than a moment at a time?
It occurs to me that I paint as much by feeling as by sight... kinda like I live my life, mole blind sniffing out what will feed me, feeling for the shapes and textures of things in the darkness, probing for passageways to treasure buried in my psyche...
There was this moment Tuesday just as I was getting started, after a suitable invocation of deep breathing and focusing of intentions, when the flash came with unparalleled intensity, like a deep detonation accompanied by involuntary sound effect, “Kuujchooo!” More than vision, shockwaves of energy radiating from the tear in the veil between me and the world where the painting lives and breathes brought every pore on my body to attention. Omigod. No wonder I’m still hallucinating...
everything looks like paint