(no subject)

Mar 15, 2005 15:47

Lora got in to Grinnell! Hot! Weird! She could go to school with me next year, cool but weird at the same time. I think she still likes Carleton better, though, but she hasn't heard from them yet. Time will tell.

So my finger doesn't hurt anymore. Unfortunately I spent so much time typing with only nine fingers (seriously, I typed like 15 pages in that time span) that now I can't get that stupid finger back in the action. It keeps making an effort, but the stupid middle finger next to it keeps beating it to the key. So it's just hovering uselessly above the keyboard. Sad, useless finger.

Uhhh, mid-sems...that's what I'm supposed to be prepping for. Ugh. I'm tired and I think I got sick again. I'm not sure how. I've been tired to the point where my entire body just feels heavy and if I lay down anywhere I can fall asleep in under 5 minutes, usually it doesn't even take that long. Why the hell did the school think it would be a good idea to lock college students in the middle of a cornfield for eight weeks without a break from the intense and demanding work load? It seems like a very bad idea to me. We've hardly had time to get off campus because it's been so crazy busy, even on the weekends. And now I'm tired and sniffley and I miss my brother.

I really hope Kirby, Jessie, Sean, Adam and Charlie get Gate's Tower for next year. That would be like the best thing ever. I think I'd live up there all the time. No joke. And if Lora came here next year, that'd be cool. It'd be cool if she went to Carleton, too, because I could visit her and stuff.

I need to stop taking classes outside of Noyce. Science is my home and every time I try to venture outside of it I get my ass kicked. We'll see how Gregg-Jolly likes that academic plan. Ha.

Back to Sociology, the class for people who state the obvious and can't interpret or analyze anything because they're fuckers. Complete and utter fuckers.
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