May 29, 2008 13:04
I like to think of myself as open-minded, I really do. It's sort of something I pride myself on to a certain degree - but it's also sometimes a struggle. For anybody who attended Postive Space this year, you'll know I touched on it there - that tug between trying to be pleased that bisexuality (or any sexual orientation that isn't shoved to one end of the Kinsey Scale) is becoming more "acceptable", to use an irritating term, and the fact that people who use sexual orientation as a publicity stunt or a way to be trendy make me feel ill. I also know that I could spare myself a lot of trouble if I could just wean myself off of celebrity news (yes, to my secret shame, everytime Brangelina gets another baby bump I not only know, but CARE. Try not to be too harsh with me, we all have our vices.) But seriously, and I do mean seriously... Lindsay Lohan. Is there a group of people you haven't given a bad name to yet? There is a part of me - a small part, but a part nevertheless - that thinks that if Lindsay Lohan really has finally found someone she cares about in DJ Samantha Ronson, then good on her. That girl has had enough difficulty for six lifetimes, and I don't think she's entirely to blame, given her parents. On the other hand... my masochistic side must be kicking in, because I have read every available article on the topic, and they have left me somewhat shattered and confused. No one is appalled, no one is pulling out any sort of blatant, upfront homophobia. For the most part, they are treating the relationship (or non-relationship, depending on your news source) like pretty much any other celebrity story. Which is great. It's wonderful. My favourite article read "Lindsay's agent denied rumours that she is gay. Well yeah, she's not gay, she's a lesbian." I couldn't help but laugh at that. But somewhere behind that there is a certain malice. A certain insinuation that the rumours couldn't possibly be true. Most of this it would appear stems from the fact that the writers of these articles are savvy enough to know that there is a 95% chance that this is a publicity stunt à la TaTu. Nothing sells like women having sex. And, oh sweet irony, the part of me that registers that contempt in the articles is begging: let it be true. Let Lindsay Lohan be in love with a woman. Then maybe, just maybe, I'll stop reading the damn articles.