Sep 20, 2002 22:53
Well now I am over the top if you had read my last post you know some of the problem......Tonight we as a group decided that we were going to help out our old teachers by helping them at our old school they had a dance. Well I was happy first you have to know I love this school it is the best school in the world even agenst most peopls thoughts. Any way I was all happy and helping out and I felt that all was good in the world and then Julia comes over and I am think yes now I can talk to her and who comes along..yup your right there were does julia go yup right again. Well that was ok AT FIRST. We were taking shift at diffrent places and I got the front door I like it I got to flick some guys out and that. Then my FRIENDS come out and tell me what is going on in there first you have to know ALL my friends except the other two....know what is going on they all understand what I am going throught and they have been good friends through and through for me....Well I was like hay that is great I figured sences they are just friends anyway what could be the harm in I walk in and right there in front of me they do it again Julia push Glenn up to the wall (NOT AS FRIENDS..well you know what that means.) and so I just flip around and walk straight out the door no words or anything....and should happen to follow all my FRIENDS and they are just as desgusted as me....they all could understnad what I was going through and so for the rest of the night I avoided going into the gym and then after the dance I find out Glenn Proposed to her (just for fun now) I have to admit that but then she comes our flashing a smartys ring (yes the box from the candy was formed into a ring) all around in everyones faces....well if this was you how would you feel. I understand friendship and I know it is just for fun and I am not trying to be the center of anything but what I soposed to do I am just the friend with the pat on the back.