Dec 29, 2008 19:41
This year I:
Got my heart broken
Applied to the honors college at ASU and didn't get in
met my hetero life mate in the form of Camille Jehle
Had a doctor look at my fiddly bits for the first time
Was mostly lonely/depressed throughout the whole year
Embraced who I am for the first time
Embraced loneliness/individuality/true independence
Moved to Tempe
Got over my "first love" and learned so much from it
Realized I'm a romantic and I'm going to be single for a very long time and that's okay.
Had perfect credit
Found out I'm probably graduating magna cum laude with two degrees and a minor in 3 semesters
Hated on myself more than ever before
Went to a counselor and started counseling
Started writing more songs
missed acting a lot
Went on an amazing road trip all over the state
Became more comfortable with myself and being myself around others
I will look back on 2007 as the year I fell in love and 2008 as the year I realized it's not at all what you think it is...but even through the sadness it's still beautiful and it happened for a reason and in the end life goes on :)
I'M EXCITED TO SEE WHAT 2009 HAS IN STORE FOR ME!!! I could die, move away, fall in love again, loose a limb, or even have a family member croak....although I hope that does not happen.