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Trade Logs
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October 4, 2008
Junior Puzzle: voyage29
Legend Puzzle: meeting11
Rising Puzzle: lalala10
Lyrics Mania: voyage19, me19
Kangin's Wrath: yb17, love07
Weekly Freebie: playtime04
Deck Freebie: issue03, hot08, return11, tellme02
September 27, 2008
Weekly Freebie: primadonna15
Deck Freebie: haruharu03, colorful13, fighter14, me11
Shinhwa Freebie: eternity17
DBSG Freebie: cartoons14
SUJU Freebie: friendship15
Hostage: handkerchief19, diary04, howgee18, taeyang19, ftislandchoicecoupon, lovebillshinhwa
Hostage: doublem08, runmv07, summerdream13, holiday08, ss501choicecoupon, lovebilldbsg
Tri-Angle Slots: run06, phantom06, everyday11, colorful19, lovebillbigbang
Tri-Angle Slots: primadonna07, bigmama17, hyoism05, bliss09, lovebillftisland
Super Sudoku: qualified14, rainbow10, camping18, miracle09, sj0801, ftislandchoicecoupon, token-supersudoku
Breakdown: eternity03, badboy14, marryu14, shinenight13, villageday11, rokkugoh20, lastfirstkiss05, me13, anychoice, anychoice, lovebillbigbang, token-breakdown
Junsudoku: trainee06, cartoons10, fighter10, angel14
Junsudoku: hentai20, litmusfall07, afterlove18, city29
September 26, 2008
Junior Puzzle: rainbow19
Junior Puzzle: qualified17
Legend Puzzle: rockstar05
Legend Puzzle: asdgkj03
Rising Puzzle: wontak05
Rising Puzzle: dragon01
Lyrics Mania: cartoons01, baskin18
Lyrics Mania: rockstar01, musicians01
Ipod Mania: wontak04, dragon11, purpleline04, sujuchoicecoupon
Ipod Mania: miracle13, meeting08, taiyou06, bigbangrandomcoupon
MV Mania: voyage30, lalala04, now08
MV Mania: baskin12, fairycake07, cutie02
Pop Quiz: colorful02, city05, lovebillss501
Pop Quiz: voyage10, yb16, lovebillshinhwa
Kangin's Wrath: bigboy07, trainee08
Kangin's Wrath: baby06, bright06
Magnae's Woes: hentai14, secretstory13, love19
Magnae's Woes: rockstar09, playtime16, dohc20
Scrambled Eggs: wolf01, doublem11
Scrambled Eggs: asdgkj28, marryu16
Charmer & ThisLove Mastery: beautifulu01, denim01, eternity05, eternity09, eternity12, friendship07, gangsta20, giordano13, lastfirstkiss20, moveon09, paris15, pearl04, thailand10, twins14, unlock12, voyage25, snsdrandomcoupon
Traded Lingie her secret07, dragon19, 20, angeleyes04, colors19, wontak10 for my dolphin10, 19, paris15, camping13, bright13, shinenight16
Traded Ivy her ToughGuy14 for my Litmusfall01
Traded eveyland her angel01&07, bimil12, runmv17, taiyou07, tracesoftime04 for my beautifulu07,doublem01&02, playtime06&18 and secretstory20
Traded Shinsou her winter0709 and angel19 for my rainbow16 and warning05
Traded Shuu her stage02 and teddybear11 for my stylish05, 22
Nappun Puzzle: dandy01, coward06, runmv16, chocopie11, bigbangrandomcoupon
Nappun Puzzle: primadonna12, coffee03, fairycake18, first01, dbsgrandomcoupon
Passion Puzzle: comeon18, stage04, love13, thailand17, lovebillftisland
Passion Puzzle: tracesoftime15, secretstory20, sj0501, shinenight02, lovebillss501
Bangin' Puzzle: wolf14, soct14, bigboy08, doublem04
Bangin' Puzzle: asdgkj24, tracesoftime11, pajama04, colors09
Treasure Puzzle: afterlove14, secretstory02, trainee24, kokoro17, bigbangchoicecoupon
Treasure Puzzle: baskin17, white03, yb13, charisma18, bigbangrandomcoupon
Mission Impossible: thailand19, rainsworld12
Mission Impossible: unlock01, prince08
Thug Stoppers: dontdonmv05, happy14, colorful07, dontdonmv04, leader07
Thug Stoppers: baskin13, cheerful12, yongwonhi11, friendship15, uknow20
MV Shake: baskin07, beautifulu09, bigbangchoicecoupon
MV Shake: cutie12, love03, bigbangchoicecoupon
September 21, 2008
Hostage: voyage17, fairycake05, trainee12, shinenight11, ftislandrandomcoupon, lovebillbigbang
MV Shake: propose03, unlock07, sujuchoicecoupon
Traded Jehyun her moveon05, diary03 for my pinup03, beautifulu13
Traded Yoon her newdays03, 11 for my sica05, 19
Traded Soyna her wa03 for my sadtango10
September 20, 2008
Junsudoku: soshi03, storytime10, taeyang16, sadtango03
September 19, 2008
Junior Puzzle: bigmama14
Legend Puzzle: bonjour16
Rising Puzzle: lastfirstkiss14
Lyrics Mania: stylish05, now15
TriAngle Slots: lastfirstkiss07, getsome20, holiday04, leader11, lovebillss501
Ipod Mania: cutie16, wa06, rainbow16, sujuchoicecoupon
MV Mania: secret06, angeleyes08, princess01
Pop Quiz: pinup13, goddess05, lovebillss501
Kangin's Wrath: wolf02, mungtaeng03
Magnae's Woes: marryu06, princess04, rainsworld13
Scrambled Eggs: cutie18, baby19
Traded Zzang her wa01 for my hentai09
Traded biwa her moveon11 for my cosmo04
Weekly Freebie: cutie14
Deck Freebie: baskin01, qualified14, litmusfall01
Zzang Freebie: moveon04
September 13, 2008
Weekly Freebies: cheerful16
Deck Freebies: howgee20, because11, handsome06, wolf07, meeting13
Nappun Puzzle: marryu06, pinup03, toughguy01, china03, anyrandom
Passion Puzzle: unlock20, voyage02, voyage07, diary06, lovebillsnsd
Bangin Puzzle: rainbow02, beautifulu13, white14, pinup19
Treasure Puzzle: voyage23, bimil14, pinup08, mungtaeng07, shinhwarandomcoupon
Traded Jehyun her angel16 for my trainee11
Traded Xiao her taiyou10 for my sica19
Mission Impossible: playtime18, friendship14
Thug Stopper: runmv12, fairycake02, soshi04, because12, bonjour12
Traded Scorp her newdream06 for my decadent04
Traded Yoon her fairycake20 for my bright20
Traded Jai her everyday06 and eternity18 for my dontdon09 and Love05
Traded Mere her Toughguy02, toughguy11, comeon11, comeon19, diary10, genki09, run09 & run10 for my cutie02, jajini02, jajini03, jajini16, sexy05, city24, primadonna13 & afterlove01
September 10
Junior Puzzle: runmv11
Legend Puzzle: genki13
Rising Puzzle: bigmama20
Lyrics Mania: cutie14, storytime16
Ipod Mania: wa05, style08, goddess04, ss501randomcoupon
Pop Quiz: foreverlove08, bimil09, lovebillss501
Kangin's Wrath: sexy14, paboya05
Magnae's Woes: secret04, rainbow15, umma05
Scrambled Eggs: coffee04, secret10
Fruit, Yes or No: jajini03, victory01, meeting07, lovebillftisland
September 6
SS Madness Reward: gentleman12, winter0705
Double Trouble Reward: hujin16, pearl05, miniskirt19, yb08
Pretty Boy's Collection Reward: bright13, firstperson15, gangsta07, hentai12, millionman19, rokkugoh19, wave11
Weekly Freebie: rainbow07
Deck Freebies: dirtycash11, cheerful07, afterlove01, goddess13, pinup13, miracle10, beautifulu07, cartoons07, playtime06
Breakdown: guitar19, taste19, villageday02, udon17, twins19, coward12, dejavu13, token-breakdown, ss501choicecoupon, ftislandrandomcoupon, lovebillbigbang
SuperSudoku: taiyou03, taiyou09, love05, leader04, dontdon09, bigbangchoicecoupon, token-supersudoku
Traded Yoon her bliss02 for my candyland10
September 1
Traded zzang her newdream15 for my hentai02
Traded yazu her comeon04, guitar20, runmv08 for my rhythm03, 09 and millionman20
Traded Bees her happiness17, everyday09, 14, everyday12, taiyou08, moveon10, 20 and wa18 for my soul01, 04, 06, rokkugoh02, purple02, 08, friendship03, and love11
Traded Ivy her comet20, angel10, comeon03, newdays13, run02, udon10, colors10, lastfirstkiss01 for my rainsworld06, badboy06, 19, sexappeal09, badguy20, 17, taeyang09, 17
Junior Puzzle: happy07
Legend Puzzle: propose12
Rising Puzzle: phantom16
Lyrics Mania: genki18, primadonna07
Ipod Mania: hentai17, wontak16, sica05, ss501choicecoupon
MV Mania: cowboy19, lastfirstkiss12, mungtaeng04
Pop Quiz: warning16, doublem01, lovebillshinhwa
Kangin's Wrath: colors13, bigmama06
Magnae Woes: propose02, sj0814, princess17
Scrambled Eggs: trainee11, propose18
Junsudoku: yb07, white19, cosmo04, bonjour05
Triangle Slots: machoman15, bigboy03, hentai09, angeleyes19, lovebillshinhwa
MVShake: Thug Stopper: millionman12, romance05, ufo19, dontdon03, love15
Matchmaker: bright20
Witch Hunt: dirtycash18, teddybear03, angeleyes15, sexappeal07, anychoice, lovebillftisland
Hostage: pajama16, pinup14, villageday23, cyborg10, anychoice, lovebillsuju
Retired Exchange: winter0705, bliss10, bliss19, cartoons18, comet19, firstperson09, gangsta03, holiday09, jukebox19, millionman13, mungtaeng09, pajama12, pose07, purple13, purple18, sica19, stylish22, trick03, villageday30, white13, bimil13 for hats02, 03, 04, 05, 16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 29, royalty07, 09, 06, inmybed12, 15, 15, mstyle, 13, sapphire01, 04, 12, 13
August 29
Traded Scorp her comeon12, 17, 20 for my marryu17, secretstory12, and millionman14
Traded Xiao her angel15 for my sunny03
Stampcard Exchange: decadent04, secretstory20
Eventcard: event40
Nappun Puzzle: coward20, udon03, villagenight08, angel09, anychoice
Passion Puzzle: friendship03, yb18, taste02, comeon14, lovebilldbsg
Bangin' Puzzle: diary14, doublem02, rockstar06, angeleyes14
Treasure Puzzle: tconcert08, sunny02, victory03, iindwinds08, shinhwachoicecoupon
Traded Pil-P her comeon06 and newdays12 for my romance11 and romance18
Mission Impossible: white10, coffee05
August 25
Traded Soyna her bliss03 for my dontdon08
Traded Scorp her umma01 and angel02 for my pose04 and coward06
Junior Puzzle: secret05
Legend Puzzle: white12
Rising Puzzle: soulmate20
Pop Quiz: voyage05, city03, lovebillshinhwa
Kangin's Wrath: voyage05, cutie06
Scrambled Eggs: winter0703, lastfirstkiss17
Junsudoku: tracesoftime17, wontak19, comeon07, bigmama03
Lyrics Mania: angel06, purpleline16
Magnae Woes: genki07, bimil17, villageday26
Weekly Freebie: bigboy13
Deck Freebies: gangsta06, yb06, hentai02, cutie02, marryu17, secretstory12, camping13
August 24
Traded Lingie her wontak15, runmv14, runmv15, angeleyes06, newdays08, newdays16 for my denim02, denim03, denim04, denim05, denim16, denim19
August 22
Stampcard Reward: jajini07, wa11
Traded Tessy her eternity20, newdream10, angel17, everyday02, comeon10 for my inked05, lastangel04, villageday01, 14 and villagenight09
Traded Jehyun her angel08, comeon09 for my villageday22, villagenight01
MVshake: bigboy16, comeon05, shinhwachoicecoupon
Matchmaker: victory16
August 20
Donation Rewards: villagenight09, colors01, comet07, friedrice15, hyoism07, ijuksa08, inked05, mouse11, purple01, rhythm10, sadtango10, sexy05, sica01, storytime17, villageday14, angel12
Weekly Freebie: sexy07
Deck Freebies: angel13, dragon06, jajini08, primadonna20, villageday01, villagenight01
August 18
Breakdown: showmeyourlove10, secret15, wa10, angel05, hiyaya20, millionman14, run05, hiyaya02, sujuchoicecoupon, bigbangchoicecoupon, lovebillbigbang, token-breakdown
Super Sudoku: coward01, white06, diary08, bigboy18, victory14, shinhwachoicecoupon, token-supersudoku
MV Mania: jajini16, wa07, cosmo06
Ipod Mania: teddybear13, wa13, angeleyes15
Fruit, Yes or No: victory02, jajini02, primadonna13, lovebillbigbang
Scrambled Eggs: guitar15, propose15
August 17
Traded lingie her ghetto17, firstperson10, 17, 19, newdays02, newdream13, run03, colors11, tracesoftime19, guitar01 for my fullhouse16, balloons12, inked02, stylish03, bonjour03, 05, chocopie09, 16, hug04, 19
Junior Puzzle: udon14
Legend Puzzle: taiyou04
Rising Puzzle: denim20
Lyrics Mania: bimil20, bigboy11
Pop Quiz: taiyou17, voyage28, lovebillshinhwa
Kangin's Wrath: angel04, villageday22
Magnae's Woe: udon16, baby16, pumpkin20
August 16
Poppenstein: redsun03, secret12, bliss08, shy01, snsdchoicecoupon, dbsgrandomcoupon
MV Mania: iindwinds02, hiddenstory17, soul02
Triangle Slots: now14, thislove11, umma16, eternity04, lovebillftisland
Junsudoku: toughguy13, winter0708, soul14, genki06
August 15
Junior Puzzle: iindwinds04
Legend Puzzle: badass09
Rising Puzzle: love11
Lyrics Mania: victory06, umma11
Pop Quiz: comet18, soul06, lovebillss501
Kangin's Wrath: tracesoftime10, bimil19
Magnae Woes: toughguy16, badboy06, sprissummer19
Scrambled Eggs: badboy19, inked02
Nappun Puzzle: stage05, iindwinds05, uknow13, bigbangchoicecoupon
Ipod Mania: stage10, everyday03, sunny03, bigbangchoicecoupon
Passion Puzzle: colors09, stage06, bigboy04, city24, lovebillbigbang
Bangin Puzzle: yongwonhi18, tracesoftime05, soul11, comet10
Treasure Puzzle: runmv05, lastfirstkiss09, cowboy01, toughguy06, sujurandomcoupon
Witch Hunt: twins12, wa17, genki11, sarang04, anychoice, lovebillbigbang
Mission Impossible: tracesoftime01, wontak01
Deck Freebies: white20, white07, pajama10, stylish03
MV Freebie: firstperson20
Weekly Freebie: bimil11
Deck Freebies: victory07, bigboy17, paboya01, rockstar02
April 5
Weekly Freebie: lastfirstkiss03
Deck Freebies: iindwinds01, lastfirstkiss10
Junior Puzzle: guitar08
Legend Puzzle: coward19
Rising Puzzle: unlock02
Lyrics Mania: soul19, sexappeal09
Pop Quiz: hats05, cowboy16, lovebillss501
Kangin's Wrath: newdream17, coward18, lovebilldbsg
March 23
Deck Freebies: comeon01
WitchHunt: pinupboys13, baby12, shy08, birandomcoupon, lovebillshinhwa
Junior Puzzle: baby20
Legend Puzzle: coward06
Rising Puzzle: lust19
Lyrics Mania: hats02, paris15
Ipod Mania: hats03, dolphin10, sexappeal16, lovebillshinhwa
MV Mania: lastfirstkiss02, diary13, toughguy07
Pop Quiz: sapphire12, hug19, lovebillss501
Fruit Yes or NO: purpleline14, ufo09, lovebillsuju
Kangin's Wrath: lastfirstkiss04, shineday07, lovebillshinhwa
Easter Event Egg: hats24
Easter Event: Eggs: taeyang09
Easter Event: Easter Puzzle: hats29, anychoice, lovebilldbsg
March 22
Junior Puzzle: moveon19
Legend Puzzle: prince04
Rising Puzzle: everyday15
Lyrics Mania: colors06, soct08
IPod Mania: hiyaya15, sapphire04, wayuare16, lovebillshinhwa
MV Mania: pose11, u01, colors16
Pop Quiz: hats04, baby18, lovebillss501
Fruit Yes or No: toughguy08, bliss09, sapphire13, lovebilldbsg
Kangin's Wrath: spaceman09, lastangel01, lovebillsuju
Weekly Freebies: redsun08
Deck Freebie: coward09, princess08
March 15
Deck Freebie: lastfirstkiss06, everyday05
Weekly Freebie: everyday10
Member Lottery: shinenight14, firstperson08, lastfirstkiss16, mouse03, shinhwachoicecoupon, shinhwachoicecoupon
Legend Puzzle: fairycake12
Rising Puzzle: taste04
Lyrics Mania: toughguy12, lust08
Pop Quiz: winter0706, romance15, lovebillshinhwa
Kangin's Wrath: everyday13, romance10, lovebillss501
Thug Stopper: pumpkin05, miniskirt03, snowprince13
Mission Impossible: bliss11, guitar11, newdays19
March 12
Witch Hunt: diary07, hats19, getsome20, rokkugoh02, sujuchoicecoupon, lovebilldbsg
Hostage: chocopie20, bliss20, romance07, badguy17, shinhwachoicecoupon, lovebillss501
Triangle Slots: onceinalifetime01, genki10, rhythm03, newdays10, lovebillshinhwa
Junior Puzzle: fairycake19
March 8
Weekly Freebie: newdays18
Deck Freebie: guitar02
LE Deck Freebies: hats16, pose04, diary15
Junior Puzzle: snowdream15
Legend Puzzle: eternity03
Rising Puzzle: comet17
Lyrics Mania: newdays07, pinupboys12
Ipod Mania: dontdonmv18, baby09, newdays04, lovebillss501
Pop Quiz: hats20, teddybear12, lovebillss501
Fruit, Yes or No: snowdream14, soul04, hiyaya12, lovebillshinhwa
Kangin's Wrath: moveon06, run08, lovebillshinhwa
Nappun Puzzle: hats17, warning17, wave02, wedding19, ss501choicecoupon
Passion Puzzle: diary09, colors17, ghetto07, newdays20, lovebillshinhwa
Mission Impossible: santaclaus09, genki15
Peace Card Exchange: balloons01, eternal05, firstperson04, happiness03, happiness12, millionman20, rokkugoh14, run04, shineday08, snowdream05, toughguy05, unlock19, wave04, yongwonhi14
Guess-O-Rama: baby02, prince09
February 26
Junior Puzzle: lastangel04
Legend Puzzle: dontdonmv19
Rising Puzzle: colors12
Lyrics Mania: newdream04, eternal09
Ipod Mania: colors14, pinupboys20, redsun06, lovebilldbsg
Pop Quiz: fairycake11, pinupboys25, lovebilldbsg
Fruit, Yes or No: cowboy09, soulmate08, lust01, lovebillshinhwa
Kangin's Wrath: soulmate09, hug04, lovebillsuju
MV Mania: kokoro14, denim02, newdays01
Traded amehoshi her thislove19 for my pinupboys01
Traded mere her comet14 for my eastsea14
Traded Cleyra her newdream01 for my romance05
Traded Shuu her Eternity16, Bliss05, Run07 for my Cowboy10, Cowboy17, Cowboy20
Traded Leekanghae her bliss14 for my simba01
Weekly Freebie: sapphire11
Deck Freebie: colors18
February 22
Junior Puzzle: sapphire01
Legend Puzzle: u08
Rising Puzzle: melody07
Lyrics Mania: everyday11, showmeyourlove19
Pop Quiz: everyday07, dontdonmv15, lovebillshinhwa
Fruit, Yes or No: everyday08, u15, newdream19, lovebillshinhwa
Kangin's Wrath: umma12, hug16, lovebillss501
Triangle Slots: everyday04, cowboy05, cowboy04, mouse11, lovebillss501
Match Maker: purpleline09, redsun15
WitchHunt: bliss01, fairycake08, diary02, yongwonhi07, anychoice, lovebillsuju
Hostage: newdream20, dontdon19, toughguy17, ss501choicecoupon, lovebilldbsg
Weekly Freebie: umma13
Deck Freebie: everyday01
February 17
Nappun Puzzle: paris04, cowboy03, redsun19, shineday10, ss501choicecoupon
Passion Puzzle: denim01, getsome15, teddybear10, firstperson03, lovebillss501
Mission Impossible: eternity10, miniskirt08
February 16
Deck Freebie: purpleline12
Weekly Freebie: taeyang15
Event Cards: event25, event26
mica<3'sdonghae freebie: lust11
Junior Puzzle: pinupboys10
Legend Puzzle: romance11
Rising Puzzle: diary04
Lyrics Mania: shinenight07, shineday08
Kangin's Wrath: purpleline18, denim16, lovebilldbsg
Pop Quiz: moveon02, paris09, lovebilldbsg
MV Mania: lust20, bonjour03, toughguy15
SS Madness: wayuare13, eternity02
February 13
Hostage: lastangel05, firstperson05, unlock06, changjo04, anychoice, lovebillshinhwa
February 9
Traded esotericwhisper her comet15, 19 for my peace26
Traded Mashka her newdream02 and newdream11 for my genki07 and happiness10
Traded Topaze her bliss17 for my hug06
Weekly Freebie: toughguy20
Deck Freebies: diary01, run01
February 6
Traded Billibelle her teddybear15 for my getsome05
Traded Cleyra her bliss15 for my shy20
Traded Shuu her comet05 for my shineday13
Traded Mashka her eternity13 and teddybear05 for my genki04 and happiness05
Traded Bees her charmer07, peace30, comet06, and bliss04 for my eastsea04, showmeyourlove29, paris11, and mouse12
February 3
Pop Quiz: denim05, shinenight11, lovebilldbsg
Junior Puzzle: moveon15
Legend Puzzle: bliss12
Rising Puzzle: dancingout06
Lyrics Mania: romance18, fairycake04
Kangin's Wrath: showmeyourlove30, fairycake05, lovebilldbsg
February 2
Dandy Mastery: Balloons12, chamer02, chamer04, paris11, peace26, rhythm08, teddybear16
Together Mastery: chyborg19, dohc17, ghetto09, ghetto20, pinupboys01, showmeyourlove02, simba01
FriedRice Mastery: fullhouse16, ghetto02, millionman11, millionma14, royalty09, taste19, yongwonhi10
HuJin Mastery: Docovo05, docovo06, dohc14, inspiration02, peace13, racoon18, showmeyourlove12
GentleMan Mastery: comet09, docovo01, docovo11, happiness10, mouse13, peace29, sarang15
StampCard Exchange: dontdonmv14, machoman08
Traded amehoshi her docovo15 and peace03 for my pose06 and pose17
February 1
Traded ShouShoo her peace11, peace15, peace16, peace25, and gentleman15 for my paris13, paris17, dolphin04, dolphin06, and rhythm18
January 31
Nappun Puzzle: newdays06, charmer12, ivyspring08, peace17, ss501choicecoupon
Passion Puzzle: hug06, teddybear02, yongwonhi14, racoon03, lovebillss501
Mission Impossible: pose06, pose17
Matchmaker: winter0707, peace19
Tri-Angle Slots: peace26, snowdream20, denim03, lovebillss501
Traded topaze her firstperson01, genki16, comet08,comet12 for my docovo02, phantom02, getsome06, redsun18
Traded nylonkid her millionman01, eternity06 and comet11 for my taeyang03, romance07 and lust15
Traded amehoshi her Ghetto13 for my holiday16
Traded LeeKangHae her happiness16 for my racoon16
Level Up Rewards: thislove10, thislove11, thislove13, charisma15, balloons04, snowdream18, happiness18, taeyang19, romance05, handkerchief02, eastsea14, dohc19, paris17, bichoicecoupon, shinhwarandomcoupon
January 30
Hostage: peace21, winter0701, firstperson12, getsome05, shinhwarandomcoupon, lovebillss501
Weekly Freebie: kokoro08
Deck Freebies: newdays09, wayuare19
January 27
Junior Puzzle: cowboy14
Legend Puzzle: dontdonmv20
Rising Puzzle: teddybear16
Lyrics Mania: genki05, lust09
Ipod Mania: snowprince04, romance08, unlock18, lovebillsuju
MV Mania: docovo13, taeyang10, shy13
Pop Quiz: firstperson13, genki07, lovebillss501
Kangin's Wrath: newdream05, paris13, lovebillshinhwa
January 20
Badge Donation: bliss16, denim19, dolphin18, taeyang17, taste15, thislove05
Witch Hunt: umma09, newdream18, getsome12, newdream03, shinhwachoicecoupon, lovebillshinhwa
Junior Puzzle: candyland01
Legend Puzzle: rhythm18
Lyrics Mania: millionman10, genki02
MV Mania: newdream16, rhythm09, shineday18
Pop Quiz: comet02, dolphin06, lovebillss501
Kangin's Wrath: teddybear17, royalty07, lovebillshinhwa
Weekly Freebie: miniskirt11
Deck Freebies: newdream14, getsome06, redsun18
January 19
Nappun Puzzle: winter0702, prince15, simba20, bliss13, sujurandomcoupon
Passion Puzzle: shineday13, toughguy18, summerdream20, hug07, lovebillsuju
Triangle Slots: peace08, winter0710, snowprince11, fullhouse06, lovebilldbsg
Mission Impossible: dolphin04, friedrice05
Matchmaker: shinenight16
Traded Cleyra her ghetto04, comet13, firstperson02, firstperson06 for my friedrice08, dontdon18, pumpkin13, pumpkin15
Traded Mashka her millionman06 and ghetto16 for my lastangel11 and lastangel12
Traded Amehoshi her Charmer20 for my bonjour11
Traded Scrop her hujin16 for my shineday03
January 18
Traded zzang her friedrice09 and together15 for my unlock03 and unlock16
January 16
SS Madness: unlock16, melody18
Mrising Mastery: cowboy12, mawang08, ojbh04, soul20, toughguy19, gentleman14, gentleman09
Traded Tessy her charmer09 for my lust09
Guess-o-Rama: chocopie16, millionman03, ojbh16, shinhwachoicecoupon
January 14
Weekly Freebie: bonjour05
Deck Freebie: winter0704
Heechul Da Vinci Rewards: peace13, foreverlove03, ivyspring05
Junior Puzzle: soul03
Legend Puzzle: bliss07
Rising Puzzle: shinenight20
Lyrics Mania: happiness02, thislove03
MV Mania: taste08, umma15, teddybear08
Pop Quiz: firstperson07, taeyang03, lovebilldbsg
Fruit, Yes or No: showmeyourlove05, bonjour11, millionman12, lovebillshinhwa
KangIn's Wrath: cowboy20, showmeyourlove07, lovebillshinhwa
Ipod Mania: docovo14, docovo17, umma08, lovebillss501
Traded Scrop her gentleman04 for my royalty08
StampCard Exchange: docovo02, badguy20
January 13
Traded jaeislove her happiness10 for my denim20
Traded Linah her gentleman10, gentleman11, gentleman19, happiness03 for my wedding12, rokkugoh01, wedding11, and haengbok07
January 11
Traded Shuu her Charmer03 and Charmer18 for my Snowprince02 and Snowprince19
Traded cleyra her gentleman17 for my soul16
Traded Tessy her millionman04 for my Spaceman13
Traded firstperson18 for my objh03
Traded Jeahyun her dandy01, thislove04, firstperson11 for my shineday01, shineday08, shineday09
January 7
Junior Puzzle: millionman03
Traded Harumi my ufo14 for her gentleman05
Legend Puzzle: umma07
Rising Puzzle: trot01
Lyrics Mania: summerdream16, cowboy13
Ipod Mania: taste05, baby02, firstperson14, lovebillss501
Pop Quiz: phantom02, toughguy09, lovebilldbsg
Kangin's Wrath: pumpkin09, sarang11, lovebilldbsg
Weekly Freebie: warning05
Deck Freebie: firstperson16
January 6
Chocopie Mastery: machoman10, mstyle13, snowprince02, wedding11, pumpkin15, ghetto07, ghetto03
January 5
Traded Mashka her gentleman06 for my bonjour05
January 4
Traded ixo her ghetto12, ghetto18 and gentleman03 for my silly03, silly24 and bonjour18
January 3
Refferal Reward: docovo16
Passion Puzzle: rhythm15, dolphin12, royalty08, fullhouse05, lovebillsuju
Tri-Angle Slots: docovo08, bonjour05, umma20, simba10, lovebillss501
Inspiration Mastery: charmer08, denim20, eastsea04, genki04, hujin11, paris07, summerdream12
Traded Billibelle her dandy08 and dandy13 for my simba01 and dontdon08
Traded Vicvickyrox her docovo20, dandy02, charmer01, happiness19, gentleman08 for my machoman01, machoman03, handkerchief07, u02, u16
Traded Lead her ghetto06 for my racoon05
Mission Impossible: baby11, snowprince19
MatchMaker: docovo09 and dolphin15
Traded ShouShoo her ghetto08, happiness04, happiness06, happiness11, happiness13, umma04, gentleman01, gentleman07, thislove02, thislove07, thislove12, together06, happiness14 my candyland06, dolphin12, paris07, rhythm08, rhythm15, foreverlove07, foreverlove14, hug03, dolphin15, lastangel07, ojbh15, ojbh13, summerdream12
Nappun Puzzle: candyland10, handkerchief17, ojbh09, mouse12, shinhwachoicecoupon
WitchHunt: lastangel12, unlock12, racoon16, bonjour18, anyrandom, lovebillss501
Hostage: pumpkin13, toughguy03, gentleman02, shineday14, ss501randomcoupon, lovebilldbsg
January 2
Event Card: event24
January 1
Traded Tessy her dandy12 and thislove20 for my sarang06 and sarang19
TheDong Mastery: dandy05, dandy10, friedrice08, haengbok03, purple08, soul01, toughguy04, haengbok03, friedrice08
Coupon Exchange (SujuChoice): chocopie16
Coupon Exchange (ShinhwaChoice): inspiration13
Traded Mia her charmer14, changjo15 for my haengbok03, eastsea07
StampCard Exchange: hujin10, lust09
December 31
Traded Oulan her hujin17, hujin20, together11, and chocopie14 for my snowprince16, snowprince19, pinupboys17, and inmybed06
Traded Cleyra her millionman07 for my showmeyourlove13
Traded Mashka her thislove08 and hujin04 for my paris02 and taste09
Advent Calender: teddybear06, showmeyourlove22
Traded Melly her ghetto01, charmer10, charmer13, & charmer16 for my cowboy03, taste15, bonjour10, and bonjour02
December 30
Advent Calender: genki01
Weekly Freebie: thislove06
Deck Freebie: paris02
Ipod Mania: dandy15, moveon08, snowprince16, lovebillss501
Junior Puzzle: eternity08
Rising Puzzle: happiness01
Lyrics Mania: dandy09, ufo14, snowprince19
Legend Puzzle: moveon12
Pop Quiz: happiness08, eternity15, lovebillshinhwa
Kang In's Wrath: bonjour02, comet04, lovebillshinhwa
Fruit Yes or No: thislove17, bonjour10, taste15
December 29
Advent Calender: silly03
Traded Scorp her hujin08 for my silly17
Traded Melly her ghetto11 for my fullhouse04
December 28
Advent Calender: toughguy05
StampCard Exchange: eastsea05 and docovo04
MStyle Mastery: onceinalifetime11, u16, thislove15, taste09, silly17, inmybed06, together08, dbsgchoicecoupon
Traded Soyna her hujin12 for my dancingout13
Traded Mica her chocopie03 and hujin18 for my genki08 and chocopie13
December 27
Advent Calender: gentleman16
Traded Mashka her charmer05 for my silly05
Traded Shuu her thislove09 for my rhythm14
December 26
Advent Calender: rhythm08, handkerchief07, millionman18
MV Mania: friedrice15, happiness15, thislove16
December 25
Advent Calender: imcoming09, eternity11, dancingout13, cowboy17, sujurandomcoupon, shinhwarandomcoupon, lovebillsuju
Wave Mastery: together07, machoman03, sunshine16, mouse04, silly05, showmeyourlove13
Charisma Mastery: mstyle20, chocopie12, warning19, kokoro11, fullhouse04, candyland06, bliss18
Witch Hunt: racoon06, machoman01, gentleman13, shineday01, ss501choicecoupon, lovebilldbsg
Traded Shuu her dandy17 for my baby08
Traded Melly her hujin15, hujin19, dandy03 for snowdream06, silly26, & taste06
Traded kaori her dandy11 for my badguy20
Traded Shoushoo her docovo19, docovo03, together18, hujin06, mystle08 for my mouse08, mouse13, ufo16, lastangel18, mouse04
Event Card: event23
Choice Card: thedong07
December 24
Advent Calender: eastsea07, lust15, docovo12
Traded Tessy her changjo10 and docovo02 for my dontdon04 and dontdon06
Traded Cleyra her dandy18, ghetto14, thislove01, teddybear09 for my summerdream10, haengbok09, haengbok14, showmeyourlove14
December 23
Advent Calender: mouse08, dandy04
Snow Prince Mastery: dandy20, ojbh03, pinupboys07, romance07, soul09, inspiration04, friedrice04, holiday14, ss501choicecoupon
Traded Bees her mstyle15 for my silly01
Traded Tessy her millionman09 for my umma20
Junior Puzzle: lastangel07
Deck Freebies: snowdream06, taste06, docovo18, summerdream10
Weekly Freebie: together14
Event Card: event22
Legend Puzzle: docovo10
Rising Puzzle: comet01
Lyrics Mania: shineday09, charmer19
Kangin's Wrath: royalty16, charmer06, lovebillsuju
December 22
Traded jaeislove her chocopie07 for my snowprince17
Traded Susiee chocopie08, mstyle09 and changjo04 for my balloons14, soulmate02 AND soulmate07
Traded Shuu her dandy06 for my bliss12
Advent Calender: silly26, lovebillshinhwa
December 21
EastSea Mastery: changjo11, friedrice01, sarang19, dontdon06, fairycake15, hiyaya04, silly01
StampCard Exchange: holiday16, charmer17
Passion Puzzle: simba01, showmeyourlove14, rainsworld15, umma20, lovebillss501
Nappun Puzzle: badguy20, fairycake09, cyborg14, inspiration09, anyrandom
Traded billiebelle her charisma06 for my silly22
Advent Calender: lovebilldbsg, comet03
Traded e7erlasting her hujin09 for my genki18
Tri-Angle Slots: happiness07, cowboy10, u02, lastangel18, lovebilldbsg
Mission Impossible: rhythm12, moveon03
Hostage: ivyspring10, rhythm14, haengbok07, mstyle16, sujurandomcoupon, lovebillshinhwa
December 20
Advent Calender: giordano04, gentleman18
December 19
Advent Calender: bliss12
Traded ixo her snowprince10 for my rhythm03
Traded Soyna her wave03 for my mrising02
Traded Silver her thedong13 for my snowprince05
Traded vicvickyrox her mstyle02 for my trot19
December 18
Advent Calender: dancingout04
Stomp Mastery: bliss06, showmeyourlove29, silly22, teddybear01, mrising02, changjo03, charisma11, dbsgchoicecoupon
Traded Shuu her Inspiration11, Friedrice13 for my Mouse16 and Bliss19
Traded e7erlasting her eastsea16 for my cowboy02
Crazy Mouse Card Exchange: Crazymouse20 for friedrice03
December 17
Advent Calender: changjo02
StampCard Exchange: millionman17, soulmate02
Traded Amehoshi her Together19, changjo13, millionman08 and chocopie01 for umma03, mouse10, shineday01 and rhythm11.
Traded Anh501 her charisma10 for my eastsea01
Traded e7erlasting her friedrice08 for my toughguy16
Traded Mmerain her stomp11 for my lust01
Traded Scorp her changjo17 for my silly17
Traded ShouShoo her chocopie06 for my pumpkin18
December 16
Traded Yoon her charisma07 for my bliss10
Advent Calender: soulmate07
Traded yuubi her wave02, inspiration02, and stomp08 for my for denim04, gentleman06, and sexappeal15
Event Card: event21
New Deck: toughguy16
Weekly Freebie: denim04
Junior Puzzle: dandy07
Legend Puzzle: dandy16
Rising Puzzle: baby13
Lyrics Mania: silly17, shineday08
Ipod Mania: spaceman13, inspiration10, millionman20, lovebillsuju
Pop Quiz: unlock16, together16, lovebillsuju
Fruit, Yes or No: spaceman02, snowprince18, ghetto05, lovebillshinhwa
Kangin's Wrath: mouse10, mouse16, lovebilldbsg
MV Mania: gentleman20, pumpkin18, crazymouse20
December 15
Traded Cleyra her charisma13 for my rokkugoh05
Traded Susiee her chocopie05 for my shinenight08
Advent Calender: eastsea20
Traded Mica her wave05 for my showmeyourlove12
December 14
Advent Calender: genki18, chicago03, showmeyourlove12
Holiday Mastery: foreverlove14, mouse13, moveon14, rhythm11, snowprince05, balloons14, snowprince14
Wedding Mastery: snowprince06, snowprince02, snowprince17, denim04, happiness09, moveon18, teddybear07, unlock03, anychoice
Traded Kat her changjo09 for my mstyle03
December 13
Advent Calender : ufo16, shinhwachoicecoupon
December 12
Advent Calender: fairycake13
Sukira Card Exchange: sukira29 and sukira30 for snowprince16 and happiness05
Anytime Card Exchange: anytime06 and anytime15 for eastsea13 and giordano20
Traded Mashka her wedding20 and wave07 for my dancingout06 and soulmate12
Traded mmerain her thedong17 and stomp03 for my mightymouse07 and mightymouse15
Traded Jaehyun her hujin01, mstyle04, together09 for my crazymouse12, rhythm10, spaceman03
Traded Billibelle her together03 for my lastangel17
Traded Soyna her stomp05, stomp07 and mstyle04 for my showmeyourlove01, showmeyourlove09 & showmeyourlove24
Matchmaker: snowprince03 and sexappeal15
December 11
Advent Calender: shinenight08
Badge Set Donation: holiday04, onceinalifetime03, ojbh13, pinupboys17, sarang06, thislove18
StampCard Exchange: shineday03, showmeyourlove24
Traded cherlxy her holiday18 for my showmeyourlove03
December 10
Advent Calender: ss501randomcoupon
Traded amehoshi Changjo06, changjo08, snowprince15, holiday08 her for my mightymouse09, mightymouse18, mightymouse30, crazymouse03
December 9
Traded Cleyra her haengbok15, friedrice07 for my trot19, rokkugoh16
Hostage: thedong18, dontdon04, sukira30, mightymouse07, ss501randomcoupon, lovebillss501
Passion Puzzle: inspiration05
Advent Calender: haengbok04, rhythm10, foreverlove07, lovebillss501
Weekly Freebie: fullhouse17
Legend Puzzle: together17
Rising Puzzle: ghetto10
Lyric Mania: genki04, shinenight12
Ipod Mania: mstyle07, hujin02, crazymouse12, lovebillsuju
Pop Quiz: lastangel17, anytime06, lovebillsuju
Fruit, Yes or No: soul16, ojbh03, eastsea18
Kangin's Wrath: hujin07, pumpkin02, lovebillshinhwa
Traded Silver her balloons01 for my anytime03
GuessORama: eastsea01
MV Mania: crazymouse03, spaceman03, friedrice20
Traded Tessy her stomp02 for my racoon10
Haengbok & Balloons Mastery: racoon05, wedding12, umma10, eternity07, eternity14, lust01, mightymouse30, ojbh05, purple09, rokkugoh01, shineday01, snowprince07, snowprince13, snowprince20, eastsea17, charisma02, bichoicecoupon, shinhwarandomcoupon
Traded tiliana her wedding03, wedding11, wedding13 for my sexappeal18, shineday17 and badguy18
December 8
Advent Calender: mstyle13, umma18
Event Card: event20
Shinhwa Freebies: wedding02
Traded Yasu her wedding16 for my soul17
Nappun Puzzle: genki08, anytime15, cowboy02, mstyle19, sujuchoicecoupon
Passion Puzzle: millionman02, mightymouse18, umma02, moveon16, lovebillshinhwa
Triangle Slots: racoon10, mightymouse15
Mission Impossible: happiness05, snowprince12
Witch Hunt: snowprince04, inspiration07, charmer11, rokkugoh05, anychoice, lovebillshinhwa
Exchange AnyRandom: sukira29
Exchange AnyRandom: sarang19
Exchange birandomcoupon: sexappeal18
Exchange birandomcoupon: inmybed15
Exchange ss501randomcoupon: kokoro20
Exchange ss501randomcoupon: genki20
Exchange sujurandomcoupon: racoon20
Exchange sujurandomcoupon: haengbok14
Traded ixo her inspiration01, inspiration14, charisma01 for mouse06, mouse12, mouse15
December 7
Advent Calender: changjo12, showmeyourlove03
December 6
Advent Calender: shineday17, together13
December 5
Advent Calender: changjo07
Traded jaeislove her stomp12 for my anytime04
Traded Bees her stomp09 and together02 for my dontdonmv19 and dontdon15
December 4
Advent Calender: together05
StampCard Exchange: friedrice14, prince05
Traded melly her stomp18 for my denim04
Traded Tessy her friedrice17 for my racoon05
Traded Feyana her charisma19 for my sukira13
Traded mmerain her stomp14 for my happiness08
December 3
Advent Calender: hujin13
Donation Reward (StampCards): anytime03, badguy18, charmer15, lust15, melody13, mightymouse09
December 2
Advent Calender: bliss19
Weekly Freebie: shy20
New Decks: spaceman18, happiness08, denim04
Junior Puzzle: changjo18
Legend Puzzle: inspiration15
Rising Puzzle: charisma15
Lyrics Mania: together12, showmeyourlove01
Pop Quiz: showmeyourlove09, anytime04, shinhwalovebill
Kangin's Wrath: chocopie15, sukira13, shinhwalovebill
Traded AmeHoshi her Mstyle01, Mstyle05, wave01, wedding09, wedding18 for charmer14, dohc15, imcoming01, imcoming09, yongwonhi19
Traded Topaze her thedong02, thedong11, eastsea15 for my mouse17, mouse18 and ufo10
December 1
Traded melly her stomp19 for my twins03
Traded Mashka her wedding12 for my sukira06
Traded billibelle her haengbok12 and haengbok18 for my charmer01 and thislove03
Traded cleyra her eastsea07 for my ivyspring20
Event Card: event19
Advent Calender: purple10
November 30
New Deck: charmer14
Event: event18
Simba Mastery: charmer01, dancingout19, eternity02, mouse15, moveon07, holiday06, holiday03
Traded cherlxy her snowprince17 for my shineday08
Traded Tessy her charisma18, mstyle10 and chocopie11 for my pumpkin02, soul08 and soul11
Traded Nylonkid her balloons12 and stomp16 for my candyland18 and candyland20
Traded ixo her haengbok06, wedding07, and thedong10 for my showmeyourlove18, melody09, and rhythm17
Traded Shuu her charisma16 for my romance15
Traded fuujin her eastsea14 for my romance04
November 28
Traded Oulan her snowprince01 for my showmeyourlove22
Traded Shelly her simba03 and balloons02 for my purple18 and eternity16
Traded Mashka her stomp04 and stomp06 for my foreverlove11 and sukira08
November 27
StampCard Exchange: wedding14 and dontdonmv19
Level Up: anyrandom, chocopie13, cyborg06, eternity01, moveon17, phantom14, romance04, simba11, simba19, sukira06, yongwonhi15
November 26
Racoon Mastery: balloons04, candyland18, holiday10, melody09, romance15, showmeyourlove18, thislove14
November 25
Traded Yoon her haengbok07 for my MightyMouse27
Traded Mashka her handkerchief19 and heangbok10 for my anytime04 and crazymouse11
Traded thenylonkid her balloons08 for my rainsworld04
Deck Freebies: foreverlove11 and snowprince05
Weekly Freebies: wave10
Event Card: Event17
Junior Puzzle: snowprince11
Legend Puzzle: changjo20
Rising Puzzle: stomp01
Handkerchief Mastery: anychoice, gentleman06, imcoming09, machoman05, mstyle03, purple18, racoon03, simba14, umma17
Traded Samantha her racoon10 for my fullhouse05
Pop Quiz: snowprince08 and crazymouse18, lovebillshinhwa
MV Mania: holiday16, sukira08, and wedding05
Fruit, Yes or No: stomp20, mawang02, simba13, lovebillshinhwa
SS Madness: yongwonhi19 and eastsea12
Kangin's Wrath: snowprince09, gentleman12, lovebillshinhwa
Traded Kyo her racoon20 and balloons07 for my mawang02 and eastsea12
Traded Koari her haengbok19 for my cyborg10
Traded Marie her wedding04 for my shinenight05
Traded Melly her snowprince19 for my crazymouse18
Bought Dongwan01 with 3shinhwalovebills
November 24
StampCard Exchange: ivyspring20, friedrice16
Traded Shuu her inspiration09 for my genki07
Traded Bees her holiday17, haengbok17, and simba09 for my dontdonmv05, dontdon10, friedrice10
Traded mmerain her racoon14 for my pinupboys01
Hostage: pumpkin02, crazymouse11, ghetto15, balloons11, sujuchoicecoupon, lovebillss501
Witch Hunt: thedong04, anytime04, holiday13,showmeyourlove22, anychoice, lovebillshinhwa
Glasses Exchange: Glasses30 for handkerchief09
November 23
Deck Freebie: thislove03
Traded Tessy her charisma08 for my pinupboys27
Traded melly her mstyle12 for my showmeyourlove13
Traded Mashka her holiday12 for my soulmate06
Nappun Puzzle: shinenight05, ufo10, mightymouse27, glasses30, ss501randomcoupon
Passion Puzzle: purple02, racoon05, bliss10, changjo14
TriAngle Slots: imcoming01, mouse06, fairycake03, friedrice19, lovebillshinhwa
Mission Impossible: pinupboys01, dancingout06
November 21
Deck Freebies: twins03 and genki07
November 18
Traded billibelle her balloons16 for my sunshine07
Weekly Freebie: thedong14
Traded Yoon her balloons09 for my soulmate07
Traded Mashka her eastsea08 for my gentleman06
Junior Puzzle: balloon17
Legend Puzzle: stomp10
Rising Puzzle: holiday05
Lyrics Mania: dontdon13 and pinupboys27
Ipod Mania: dontdon10, baby08, and stomp17 + shinhwalovebill
MV Mania: eastsea11, showmeyourlove13, umma19
Pop Quiz: friedrice02, soulmate06 + shinhwalovebill
Fruit, Yes or No: together01, dontdonmv05, and soulmate12 + shinhwalovebill
Kangin's Wrath: mouse12, millionman16 +lovebillsuju
November 17
Traded Melly her inspiration03 for my gentleman20
November 16
Onceinalifetime Mastery: gentleman06, handkerchief04, soul11, soulmate07, wave08, wave15, wedding06, and sujuchoicecoupon
Traded vickyvicrox her simba02 for my shinenight17
Traded Shuu her wedding01 for my rokkugoh18
November 15
Traded Lisa her onceinalifetime07 for my unlock20
Traded cherlxy her friedrice18 for my shineday18
Drag Card Exchange drag02 for cyborg01
StampCard Exchange: soul08 and sunshine07
New Decks: fullhouse05 and gentleman20
November 13
Mrising Mastery: comet16, dontdon08, friedrice10, handkerchief11, mouse17, onceinalifetime19, shineday08
Traded Shuu her racoon15 for my phantom08
Traded Yuubi her charisma05 and haengbok13 for my moveon07 and bliss20
Traded Tessy her holiday07 for my rokkugoh06
Traded billibelle her handkerchief10 for my dontdon09
November 11
Traded mystika_d her simba06, racoon17, handkerchief06 for my baby03, baby06, and baby14
MV Guess (from update nov4): showmeyourlove03, balloons03, and rokkugoh18
Ipod Mania (from update nov4): balloons06, hug1, and yongwonhi18
Event Card: event16
Bi Freebie: moveon01
Freebie: charisma17
New Decks: showmeyourlove08 and unlock20
Junior Puzzle: friedrice06
Legend Puzzle: together04
Rising Puzzle: drag02
Lyrics Mania: showmeyourlove11 and umma03
Ipod Mania: glasses16, purple19, and mouse18
Pop Quiz: haengbok08 and purple01
Kangin's Wrath: ivyspring03 and shinenight15
MatchMaker (2matches): racoon01 and holiday02
Traded katoshi her wedding08 and simba10 for my shinenight14 and shinenight15
Traded Shelly her inspiration12 for my yongwonhi18
Traded Melly her handkerchief01 for my glasses16
Traded Jacqui her inspiration06, wedding19, and wave14 for my dolphin15, cyborg04, and cyborg11?
Traded dbil her handkerchief14, holiday11, holiday19 for my showmeyourlove03, showmeyourlove08, showmeyourlove11
November 10
Triangle Slots: haengbok09 and eternity16
Hostage: wedding15, millionman15, bliss20, candyland20, sujuchoicecoupon
Mission Impossible: simba07 and shineday18
Traded Melly her changjo05 for my pinupboys11
Traded jaehyun her racoon13 for my pinupboys19
Traded Jaehyun her wedding17 for my shy11
November 9
2 Refferals: mrising09 and mstyle17
New Deck: wedding10
Nappun Puzzle: pinupboys19, trot16, baby14, charisma04, birandomcoupon
Passion Puzzle: balloons10, inmybed15, chocopie09, cyborg10
November 8
Traded dbil her eastsea12 and onceinalifetime20 for my ijuksa14 and ijuksa20?
StampCard Exchange: Trot09 and moveon07
November 7
Traded mashka her wave09 for my millionman15
Traded Yoon her onceinalifetime09 and onceinalifetime10 for my tomorrow06 and tomorrow09
November 6
Traded silver her simba20 and thedong09 for my ivyspring14 and ivyspring19
November 5
Member lottery: ivyspring14, tomorrow06, holiday20, dandy14 + shinhwachoicecoupon and birandomcoupon.
New Deck: pinupboys11
Suju Freebie: racoon04
November 4
Freebie: shy17
Junior Puzzle: tomorrow09
Traded vicvickyrox her handkerchief07 for my shineday15
Legend Puzzle: haengbok05
Rising Puzzle: wave04
Lyrics Mania: haengbok11 and cowboy03
Pop Quiz: stomp15 and stomp13
Traded Elizabethh her handkerchief08 and my u11
November 3
StampCard Exchange: shineday15 and chocopie13
Traded mashka her handkerchief12 for my giordano01
Traded oulan her onceinalifetime16 for my sprissummer12
Traded vicvickyrox her handkerchief16 for my ojbh05
November 2
Traded keri her onceinalifetime01 for my ufo17
Traded kaori her onceinalifetime15 for my dohc02
Traded Pinkosa her onceinalifetime14 for my sarang19
Traded Shuu her onceinalifetime18 for my eastsea06
Traded Yoon her onceinalifetime11 and onceinalifetime12 for my stomp07 & dontdonmv14
Traded nylonkid her handkerchief20 for my cowboy05
November 1
Traded mashka her simba12 for my melody03
Traded Soyna her thedong15 for my ojbh07
Halloween Event Cards: event14 and event15
New Deck: inspiration08 and stomp07
October 30
Traded harumi her changjo16 for my dandy11
Traded Jaehyun her charisma03 for my dolphin15
Traded shuu her mstyle06 for my purple04
Traded yubbi her holiday09 and holiday15 for my pumpkin17 and pumpkin09
Traded mere her racoon08 and thedong01 for my drag05
Traded Melly her onceinalifetime08 for my pumpkin20
Traded Shelly her eastsea09 for my candyland08
October 29
StampCard Exchange: handkerchief17, pumpkin20
Traded harumi her wave06 for my dandy17
Traded Fernanda her racoon09 and handkerchief18 for my mouse19 and mouse06
October 28
Freebie: chocopie09
Deck Freebies: purple04 and dancingout08
Junior Puzzle: cowboy05
Legend Puzzle: friedrice10
Rising Puzzle: racoon06
Lyric Mania: rokkugoh06 and ivyspring19
MV Mania: balloons13, handkerchief15, and sprissummer12
Kangin's Wrath: pumpkin17 and drag14
Traded anestel her mrising10 for my lastangel20
Traded Taliana her sunshine11 for my handkerchief06
Traded feyana her Charisma12 for my hug02
Traded Haengbok her eastsea19 and simba05 for my drag23
Traded Hyorin her handkerchief03 and wave13 for my drag14
Traded Melly her eastsea10 and for my dohc19 and eternity17
Traded AmeHoshi her machoman01 for my dontdon04
Mastery of Sunshine and Machoman: balloons15, candyland08, dohc15, drag05, handkerchief02, handkerchief05, inmybed12, melody03, mrising05, ojbh05, onceinalifetime04, phantom08, pumpkin09, rainsworld04
October 27
Traded Melly her changjo19 for my eternity12.
Traded vicvickyrox her mrising19 for my shinenight05
Traded anestel her mrising07 for my kokoro07
October 26
Level Up: dandy19, dohc02, drag23, eastsea06, eternity17, sunshine07, wave12
Nappon Puzzle: trot03, mstyle11, onceinalifetime05, haengbok09, ss501randomcoupon
Witch Hunt: dontdon04, lastangel20, ojbh07, dohc19, sujurandomcoupon
Traded FusionLG her machoman18, mrising16, and thedong05 for my lastangel18 and tomorrow01
October 25
Traded Scorp her thedong08 for my soul06
Traded dbil her machoman13 for my hiyaya16
Mission Impossible: sunshine03 and holiday14
Tri-Angle Slots: tomorrow01, ufo17, dolphin15, prince05
Passion Puzzle: chocopie02, hujin03, chocopie19, handkerchief13
Hostage: friedrice11, sarang19, simba17, lastangel18, dbsgchoicecoupon
New Deck: handkerchief06
October 24
Traded Tessy her machoman17 for my shy06.
Traded Heeyoung her simba08 for my soul02.
Traded Melly her mrising12 and racoon16 for my warning01 and warning12
Traded Lisa her simba15 for my ghetto17
October 23
Stampcard Exchange: mouse19, yongwonhi17
Touch Card Change: touch10 for warning01
Wild Card Change: wild03 and wild19 for dohc08 and dontdon08
October 22
Traded sidatron her machoman09 for my mouse15
October 21
Traded mashka her machoman16 and mrising04 for my umma09 and hiyaya12
Freebie: wave11
New Decks: u11 and rokkugoh16
Taliana's birthday: hujin14
Junior Puzzle: touch10, onceinalifetime02, and baby06
Legend Puzzle: kokoro07, racoon12, and chocopie17
Rising Puzzle: ojbh16, chocopie04, and together10
Pop Quiz: eastsea02, rhythm03
Ipod Mania: soul02, rhythm17
Kangin's Wrath: wild03, shy11
MV Mania: chocopie10, chocopie20, charisma04
Lyric Mania: mstyle18, together20
Traded Shuu her haengbok20 for my ojbh16
October 20
Traded Taliana her racoon02 for my dohc06
Traded Yoon her sunshine16 for my shineday05
October 19
Traded Shuu her sunshine10 and sunshine18 for my charisma03 and charisma06
Traded harium her onceinalifetime03 for my mouse20
Traded Melly her mrising08 for my warning08
Traded e7erlasting her machoman03 for my warning12
October 18
Exchanged sujurandom for thedong20
Exchanged sujurandom for umma09
Exchanged birandom for cyborg11
Exchanged birandom for giordano01
Exchanged ss501random for warning12
Exchanged dbsgrandom for mouse15
New Coupon: anyrandom
New Deck: dohc06
October 17
Traded Theresa her sunshine05 for my chocopie17.
Traded Oulan her mrising03 and mrising13 for my ivyspring06 and umma10.
Traded mmerain her racoon18 for my prince11.
October 16
Traded AmeHoshi her thedong12 and thedong16 for my ivyspring05 and phantom13
October 14
Donation Prize: phantom13, rainsworld06, thedong03
Freebie: charisma20
Event Card: event13
Deck Updates: holiday01 and wave08
Junior Puzzle: haengbok14
Legend Puzzle: racoon05
Rising Puzzle: soul06
Kangin's Wrath: wild19 and charisma14
Lyrics Mania: shinenight05 and thedong19
MV Mania: balloons05, ivyspring05, and dandy17
StampCard Exchange: eternity12 & ivyspring06
Traded Melly her onceinalifetime06 for my royalty09
Fruit, Yes or No?: eastsea03, simba16, and hug02
October 13
Traded Melly her machoman12 for my charisma07
SS Madness: cyborg04 and haengbok16
Traded Jehyun her sunshine13 for my umma05
Traded mai her mrising06 for my rhythm10
Hostage: sunshine06, dontdon15, hujin05, mouse20, bichoicecoupon
Traded amber her machoman07 and machoman19 for my ufo07 and chiago14
Traded Anestel her machoman20 and mrising01 for my sarang06 and sarang14
Traded chair her machoman06 for my ivyspring15
Traded Haengbok her sunshine14 for my chicago04
Traded Choonie her onceinalifetime17 for my ghetto17
October 12
Traded Choonie her sunshine01 for my wild11
New Deck: onceinalifetime13
Event Cards: event12 & layout02
Nappun Puzzle: royalty09, rhythm10, ghetto19, prince11, +ss501 1 choice card
TriAngle Slots: dontdon09 and balloons18
Witch Hunt: friedrice12, shineday05, machoman14, charisma06, and dbsgrandomcoupon
Mission impossible: warning08 and thedong06
Passion Puzzle: chicago14, mstyle03, umma05, dandy11
October 10
Traded Shuu her sunshine08 for my yongwonhi17
Traded mere her balloons14 for my cowboy13
October 8
Traded Harumi her sunshine17 for my dandy07
StampCard Exchange: sarang06 and wild11
October 7
Event Cards: Member Lottery
Freebie: dontdon18
New Decks: chicago04, yongwonhi17, balloons20
SS501 Freebie: charisma03
Junior Puzzle: balloons19
Legend Puzzle: machoman15
Rising Puzzle: ivyspring15
Lyrics Mania: changjo02, shinenight14
MV Mania: simba18, simba01, kokoro01
October 6
Traded Mashka her eastsea01 for my shinenight17
Trade Melly her machoman05 for my teddybear15
Event Cards: 50 Members, First Level Up, The Rejects, New Staff, First Limited Edition Deck
Traded Mashka her machoman04 for my phantom06
Traded dbil her for eastsea04 for my inmybed20
Traded Dora her eastsea05 for my millionman11
October 4
Traded Jeahyun her mrising20 for my pumpkin12
Traded hoyah her mrising02 for my soul12
Traded with_mint her machoman10 for my mouse13
October 2
Traded Python her sunshine02, sunshine19, and mrising18 for my hiyaya14, hiyaya19, and hiyaya10
Traded Taliana her mrising15 and sunshine09 for my changjo02 and hujin10
October 1
Traded Amber her machoman11 for my soul12.
Traded shuu her sunshine15 for my ufo02
September 30
Starter pack: changjo01, eastsea06, haengbok02, machoman08, miniskirt05, mouse06, sarang14, ufo07, sunshine04, sunshine20, +2coupon
SS Madness: hiyaya12, mrising17, shinenight17, ijuksa14, +1coupon
Freebie: machoman02
Junior Puzzle: cowboy13, millionman05, pumpkin12, hiyaya10
Legend Puzzle: mouse13, mrising14, warning12, ijuksa20, teddybear15
Rising Puzzle: charisma09, racoon19, dandy07, dolphin15
Lyrics Mania: dontdonmv14, haengbok03
Hostage: chocopie17, haengbok01, baby03, hug03 +1 coupon
Witch Hunt: ghetto17, mrising17, soul12, soul17 +1 coupon
Tri-Angle Slots: ufo02, umma10, hiyaya14, shinenight17, hiyaya19, inmybed20, phantom06, hiyaya16
Passion Puzzle: hujin10, millionman11, simba04 +1 coupon
Nappun Puzzle: millionman15, mrising11, shy06 +1 coupon
traded Mai's charisma07 for my mawang13
traded oulan's sunshine12 for my trot03