Apologies for the delay in posting. I had a day where there was no internet at the hotel, then I had a night playing with my new sat nav, wehich I purchased for use in the UK and then to take home (shiny!), this is the first chance I've had. Thence lots of photos and things to come in this post, so I shall put most of them behind a cut!
So, what have I been up to?
Well, here's a hint:
But first! Thursday - Innsbruck was my destination as I had shopping to do, in particular for the sat nav mentioned above. It also gave me a chance to see the Christmas lights they still had up as I was there later than last time:
(Yes, I think those last ones might be golden snitches...)
Friday - Newsflash for today: It snowed again!!!! In fact, it snowed a LOT. These are photos I took while on the train.
Ahem. Oh, yes, I also went to Garmisch Parten-Kirchen. (It snowed on the way. And the way back.) My destination was the Kaethe-Wohlfart shop where I spent money (shocker!) on lots of pretty things.
I also generally find one thing in these places I cannot do without. This is him:
Suggestion for names please, flist?
Saturday - my biggest achievement today was battling a fear of heights while going up on the Rofanseilbahn to the 'Sonnalpe'. I took a whole heap of pictures of Pertisau from the swaying cable car, but this is my favourite:
I also took photos of the 'Sonnalpe' itself:
I just - for some reason I expected it to be flat. It's not. I am marginally let down by that.
In other news, I went to Eben to see the Notburga church:
Beautiful photos on the ceiling!
I then walked back to Maurach. According to Google, that's 4.5km. 0_o
After my visit to the Rofanseil, I took the bus (hey, I'm not silly!) to Achenkirch. EBD says that the Chalet School girls went to what she called Tiernkirch to see the churches. I found two:
Oops, sorry, three:
Unfortunately I got out of the bus at one place in Achensee and had to walk to the churches. Another 3kms. My poor, poor feet...
And for my weird wrap-up of the day:
1) As an Australian, I find it very strange that fireworks are readily available and legal. You have to have a license to buy them Down Under, so seeing them sold on every street corner is deeply odd and (for me) rather unsettling.
2) This seems to me like the perfect way to walk a dog:
3) This beautiful whitewashed houses one sees everywhere? This is what they look like naked!
Have I mentioned that it snowed again?