Title: Finding A Way Home - Something Old, Something New
katherine_b Rating: G
Summary: He might not be a Time Lord, but some things, it seems, never change…
Word Count: Approx 1,200 words
Characters: 10.5, Martha and Mickey
juliet316 asked to see Martha having an adventure with the human Doctor.
'You have never been in a jail cell with me before!' )
*dies, is dead*
ETA: Why the heck don't I have a Mickey (or Martha/Mickey for that matter) icon? Unacceptable!
*has a Martha/Mickey icon now and uses it*
Hehe. There are seriously not enough fics about those two, and to throw in Marvin....yes, please! *grins madly* Oh, and someone, somewhere really HAS a cardboard Judoon, that's the scary part. ;)
And I do quite like this couple, although I'm not going to leave them in the series much as they really don't fit (for reasons to be explained in the next part). And if people don't have a giant cardboard cut-out Judoon, I would be extremely disappointed! *lol*
Well it makes sense. I didn't expect any more of them in this 'verse, at least on a regular basis, 'cause it's more about Donna and Ten and Marvin. *squishes Marvin* You could totally write more of them just for the heck of it though. *finds any lurking Mickey/Martha bunnies, slips them some carrots* The Whoniverse's tiniest ship (well, one of them) needs more love! :p
Oh dear, that doesn't bode well. Well, you know what I mean. ;)
And me too! Granted I'm a bit scared to think that someone does, but it hardly would surprise me. *snickers*
*twirls you, feeds you cookies until you bust*
Ahem. Anyway. Yes. This, yes. I mean Rose did it (sort of) on purpose but the Doctor wasn't trying to send mixed signals. All the same, yes. And no bunnies? Awwww, sad. I don't suppose I could start by asking how Marvin, Mickey, and Martha (Three M's!) got into that little situation in the first place?
Oooo, yay me! *feels special* I like it! :) Lol and I'm only paranoid because I'm afraid you'll carry out that threat to Marvin at some point. *is still protecting him* I'm excited for this new stuff. :)
And again....you....you just don't. :p
Have to dash to a meeting but when I get back I might have that Stacie prompt for you (along with some other things). It's just been sitting open fighting with the other bunnies. Lol.
*snuggles you as in icon, except....you know....without the OTP factor*
And no you can NOT ask that, as I have no idea, and I'm sick, and my brain can't be that creative today. *pathetic sniff of sickness*
Now really, don't you think I've done enough to Marvin? *pets him*
Ooh, yay for Stacie prompt! *is snuggled*
And awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Lol can we pretend I didn't ask and then I'll ask another time? *bats eyelashes, feels no shame* And poor dear. I'll see what I can do about a snuggly 'make Katherine feel better' fic while I'm out too. ^_^
Haha. Well, I do, but you're the one threatening him so I'm never sure. *sees the knife in your pocket, pulls him away from you*
Yup yup! I hopes you like it! I'm playing about with your longer one too but it'll be a bit longer in coming because the bunnies, they bite! You know how that is. ;)
*snuggles you more, really must leave now lol*
That's not a knife, THIS is - no! No, I am not going to quote Crocodile Bloody Dundee!
Ooh, lovely!
Haha! "I bloody love you!"
And indeed. Turns out the meeting was shorter and busier than I expected (but I did get an icon request done, so that's good!) but I'm working on it right now. Well, working on it and talking to Jen, but still.
*leaves you some tea, giggles* If you fancy a chat I'd totally love one by the way! There needs to be a bit of Katherine in my life, if for no other reason than you picking on me may make you feel better. ;)
Yay for shorter meetings! We loves those!
And thank you for thinking of me, particularly with the tea, but I had to do some things this morning and will have to pootle off to the doctor soon. (GP, sadly, not lovely man in blue box. *sigh*)
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