Title: Nightmares and Daydreams - Moving On 4/5
katherine_bCharacters: The Doctor (Nine, Ten) and Donna Noble
Spoilers: Everything up to Journey's End.
Summary: The Doctor has found Donna again.
Suddenly her hand comes up and slaps him hard across the cheek. )
*grins* I hope Donna will teach Ten about leaving her behind mindwhiped! Then she should go off with Nine... *is being evil*
What confuses me though is if Rose was lost in Torchwood One in 2007 what is she doing visiting her in 2009? Or is this a "Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey...Stuff" that I didn`t get?
But as for the Rose question, the simple answer is 'yes, it's "Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey...Stuff"'.
The more complicated answer is that the Doctor could quite easily have dropped Rose off at any point to see her mother prior to her being dragged into the parallel universe. He may then have chosen a random location in which to spend the time, and the TARDIS 'just happened' to take him to the meeting with his Tenth self...
Told you it was complicated. ;-)
(And no my mind did not go to the gutter at that thought, thank you very much :p)
I like the complicated answer better. Thank you for explaining.
But admit it, they would make an awesome OTP3 in a weird way...
But I think you broke something in my mind at the mere suggestion...
(Although it would be a very tough competition with Ten, 10.5 and Donna - unless 10 and 10.5 are the same person, in which case we could actually have FOUR people in a OT3, which would be fabulous.)
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