Title: Second Chances Part III - The Doctor 12/12
katherine_b Rating: G
Characters: Donna and the Doctor
Disclaimer: Still wishing and hoping they might be mine, but to no avail.
Spoilers: Everything up to the end of Season 4.
Summary: Donna has news for the Doctor...
As Donna flicks his chin, a smirk on her face, the Doctor realises his lower jaw is hanging loose and he shuts his mouth with an audible snap.
“A- are you sure?” he blurts out.
“Definitely,” she replies. “Two months along.”
His mouth works for a few seconds without sound and then he pulls her into his arms, feeling her head tuck under his chin, her hands sliding around his back.
“I - don’t know what to say.”
“That’s got to be a first for you,” she teases, before reaching up to plant a gentle kiss on his mouth. “Congratulations, Doctor.”