Title: Second Chances Part III - The Doctor 7/12
katherine_b Rating: G
Characters: Donna and the Doctor
Disclaimer: Still wishing and hoping they might be mine, but to no avail.
Spoilers: Everything up to the end of Season 4.
Summary: Donna has news for the Doctor...
Chapter VI
The Doctor is busy at the console when he turns to find Elizabeth in the doorway of the console room.
“How did you get up here?” he demands, swooping down and scooping her up into his arms. “Your mummy will be furious with me! She’d worry you were going eat one of the knobs off the console!”
Elizabeth grins and grabs a fistful of his hair. “Dot-tor!” she says gleefully, and he rolls his eyes.
“Daddy,” he repeats for the umpteenth time, despite knowing it’s a hopeless cause. “Say it, darling. Say ‘daddy’.”
“Dot-tor,” she says, frowning at him.
He sighs fretfully, but gives in, carrying his daughter down to the kitchen where Donna is tidying away the last remnants of yesterday’s birthday party.
“Apparently our daughter is awake,” he announces, strolling into the room and dropping into a chair.
“Apparently so,” she agrees with a smile, carrying several piles of clean plates over to the cupboard and beginning to put them away. The Doctor watches as Elizabeth’s head follows her mother’s movements before looking at the table.
“Cake,” she says gleefully, reaching out both hands for the open cake tin in front of her, the contents of which the Doctor is happily sampling.
“There’s one word she definitely can’t say yet,” the Doctor says.
“What’s that then?” Donna asks curiously, emerging from the cupboard.
He smirks and takes a deep breath. “Raxacoricofallaptorian.”
Elizabeth looks up at him for a moment in apparent confusion before grinning. “Sliveen,” she says triumphantly.
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