May 13, 2007 18:42
Lets see if I remember what happened...
English - o.o
French - Augh D: So much homework ;.;
Science - Holy fishsticks we disected a cow eyeball and it was really smelly and the inside was like black ink o.o by really smelly I mean like REALLY REALLY REALLY SMELLY.
Drama - Ookay, so first we were divided into two groups, then we did some "broken telephone" thing, and our side ended up being the closest in the whole grade (for some reason, the other side got something COMPLETELY different than what they started with...). Then, we did some other thing where one person from a side would stand in the middle and mime something, and everyone else on the side would have to come in and do something related (but not all at once, a few at a time), completely improv. Our side managed to get everyone in but not the other o.o Yes.
Math - x_x Must I say this part again?
Chinese - Good grief o.o
S.S. - Yay new unit..??
English - Umm vocab presentations..but for some reason our group did something really weird and we ended up going the next day.
P.E. - Joy, softball.
Band - ZZZ.
Math - Circles and cylinders must die.
Afterschool - Woww slow computers. Stop motion est fini :D I probably said that wrong. But we finished. And with the backboard too.
S.S. - o_o; Stuffs.
English - Yess. Shakespeare is... (fill in the blank)
Art - Uhh no more stop motion o.o Instead we have to do some masterpiece-influence-thing. Greaat. I was lucky enough to be the 4th person to pick.
Math - Circles are REALLY annoying. Really.
Health - Another sub o.O What's with that?
Chinese - Zzz.
Afterschool - o_o; Stopmotion-ness.
Math - You know, circles are getting really annoying...
English - I completely forgot wuw.
Drama - Umm sub o.o We did this really weird exercise for the entire in each group, the "host" had to guess what or who each of his or her guest was pretending to be O__o;
S.S. - ROOAR my debate. It was okay o.o We won by a tiny little bit I think.
French - Weird song v_v
Afterschool - Uhh yeah. Computers = megalaggy.