Mar 27, 2007 19:42
Wowowow. Long time no update.
Math - Umm, yay, circles?
English - Yees. Work. And a new kid kinda came for a while to visit. Wowowow. Shes most likely gonna be in our class, so we'll have like 27 kids which is like, a lot. We'd have the biggest grade 8 class o.o Also, a teacher came in to talk about the war at the middle east and stuffs. Wowzers.
Drama - Like whooah. Okay. So we're apparently behind. Anyway, we started off with a warm up, so there are three people in the center of the circle, and everyone has a different number. Mr. Tsang calls out a number, and then the person with that number (who will be on the outside of the circle) will have to call our another number before one of the three people in the center calls out their name. If their name is called, they switch places, so the objective is to not be in the center of the circle. Also, if someone calls out the number of someone inside the circle, they automatically switch. After the warm up, we got into groups of two and three to do a readers theater thing. First though, we had to read some weird tounge twister about Moses and toes to warm up O_o There are two parts of the script, one for a group of two, and one for a group of three. I'm in a group of three, and it is REALLY REALLY REALLY WEIRD.
S.S. - Umm, we worked on our debate thingys.
Lunch - Kso, no comment o_o
French - Ew the song reminds me of barney. Er, apart from that, we did work, and we also had a short listening test. Ew I know I got some wrong x_x
French - Ookayweirdsong. Oh, we also skipped most of it for reading buddies. We didnt get our normal reading buddies, so the one that I got paired up today wanted to read the how to eat fried worms thing.
S.S. - Went to the library to do our debates. I reeeally dont want to read the thick books.. Oh, and we also got the little tables and chairs so it was kinda weird.
Science - Um, we kinda set up our backboards and stuff..we didnt have to do a presentation..:'D We also watched some weird cheesey video on light o.o;
P.E. - Yepyep badminton.
Band - Umbandtest.
Lunch - Yeeah.
Chinese - Worked on project..yay, almost done xD
Afterschool - Um, flute and clarinet sectionals were kinda weird. I was the only flute and there were 5 clarinets o.O; And um, we have this weird song for superband which is weird.
English - Yeeah. I kindasorta forgot.
French - Forgot again. Note to self, try to update daily to avoid forgetfulness.
Science - Went to the lab to make these pinhole cameras. It was pretty cool. We also had to try this giant camera which is basically a giant box on our head, but we could see the reflection of the thing on the lightbulb. Its cool cause I could see people and buildings with ours :'D But it was upsidedown and a bit blurred and tiny. But it was cool. But I didnt want to keep the pinhole camera.. xD;
Drama - Kay sub again. We started with this weird thing, its like there are two people, and one is a doctor and one is a patient, and the doctor has to guess whats wrong with the patient o.O After that, we had to get into groups and do some weird improv with a chair..then in the same groups, we all got in a line. The first person would go on the "bus" and do some sort of action, then the second person comes on and does something different. The people already on the bus have to follow suite..and it goes on and on until everyone is "on the bus". Um, for my group, I had to jump, put makeup on, have a seizure, roll around pretending to have guns, etc. Thats what I remembered...It was...really weird.
Math - ...Yay. Circles.
Lunch - o_o
Chinese - First, we were at the forum to listen to some talk about the Beijing trip...then we got into our groups. My Is very...special? Oh boy. But we had chinese for second period and blahhblahblahwork.
S.S. - Debate teams. Yay?
English - Forgot ._.;
Art - Yay, I think we're 60% done with the filming, but we still have to edit and add sounds and shiz. Great. When the heck is this due..?
Math - Skipped for English, since we missed a period of english on tuesday due to a councilor coming in to talk about highschool while we had a math test so we used the period of english on tuesday to finish the test and replaced it with this math class holy crud does this make any sense to anyone??
Health - Ummyeah. We took notes, I think? Or maybe not, cause I might be getting this mixed up with most of the other health classes.
Lunch - o.o
Chinese - Skipped most of it for the grade 7and8 awards ceremony..and we played in grade 7/8 band and stuffs. Yayayay congrats to everyone who got an award :'D