May 24, 2009 17:01
i was woken up this morning to some guy shouting outside. i thought it was just some crazy who thought the whole world cared what his opinion was so i didn't bother to get up. the shouting finally stopped and i fell back asleep, but then it started up again. then it stopped and i fell back asleep and then it started again. apparently will looked outside and some dude was trying to climb out the second story window of the geriatric rehab center next door shouting about "grandfathers and fuck." apparently some nurses dragged him down and back into the building. i guess that guy really didn't like visiting his grandfather.
in other news, 72 degrees is a bit hot for me. i don't know how i dealt with the heat in the bay area. apparently is was 94 one day last week. i spent 3 hours at greenlake today which was quite lovely (although sweaty) but i don't think i had any success in evening out my tan. the parts of me that were already tan (my arms) got darker, but my legs and back look as pasty as ever. there were so many cute dogs at the lake that it was driving me crazy. there was one particular cutie tied to a tree near me. i kept looking over at him but i began to worry that his owners thought i was checking them out. and who knew rollerblading was still a thing? i even saw people rollerskating. there was also a really cute family sitting near me. and i got ice cream. quite an enjoyable day except for the dehydration and the shouting crazy who woke me up.
in dream news, last week i dreamt that amongst elements of the neverending story i met milo ventimiglia and he was being a total ass, although it may be bc i was making fun of his crappy writing. the next night i had a dream that involved magic's sister, eric, and my jr high science teacher. what a weird combination of ppl i didn't know i really thought about. this morning i dreamt that my neighbor (who i occasionally say hi to but never hang out with so i don't know why i would dream about him) were trapped in a high school classroom with some crazy girl with a gun. while i was fearing for my life i was trying to recall the name of some older guy i used to work with who i thought was hot. i haven't dreamt about "the man of my dreams" in a long time.