Aug 21, 2009 04:37
It has been about eight weeks since the car accident. I am still only working half days as the pain gets just about unbearable after about 4 hours. Three trips a week to Chiropractor, two trips a week to therapy, and one trip a week to counselor. Hell, I can't afford the gas and driving time. earlier this week had an MRI and I have not received the results. I am able to more a bit more and it pain is starting to subside but damn what happened to being able to "bounce" back? It should not really take this long and still be having this much pain.
Yes it was and accident (her fault) but that makes three in a year. None were my fault and being hurt in each one just pisses me off something awful. Please! Someone remove the fucking sign on my back. I delt with one, was aggravated and annoyed with two. But THREE! WTF! ARRRRGGGG!
Ok, feeling better. Breathing. My mother had emergency surgery on 8/6/09, we thought we were going to lose her but she pulled through and had a second surgery on 8/10/09. After five days in ICU and seven days on regular floor, I have now moved her to a nursing home for rehabilitation. We are hopeful that she will be in no more that two to three weeks.
My brother is having surgery on 8/31/09 and I am unable to go to North Carolina to be with him for a couple of reasons: first I don't think I can do the car ride: second I have used most of my time from work on me. I still feel like a heel.