Jul 16, 2008 22:42
So the auditors have been at work all this week and may be there next week as well. Just depends on how long it takes them to go through everything. Anyway I was given a list of 26 time cards to pull. The auditors then compare the time on the time cards to what was paid. The time period we are being audited for is the last fiscal year for our agency. So everything is before the next time and attendance system we are working on now.
Two of the time cards were way off from what was paid. When the auditor asked me about them I realized that these two employees were from a small group of employees (30) that have the opportunity to work other jobs after they are finished with their job as they only work 22 hours a week. Depending on what job they work (mostly class room assistant) they are paid at the rate that fits the job, and the second (and sometimes third) job were done on paper time sheets because the "old" computer system could not handle this and all additional hours I figured manually and entered into the payroll system, thus making their computer time card much different from what they actually go paid.
I spent almost three hours explaining this to the auditors and I thought there might be a mess from someones head exploding. One kept asking me, "and you do this manually?", to which my response was, "yep, but it is much better now."
My hubby has been sick since the convention. I thought ok he exhausted himself and just is have difficutly recuperating. I have been asking him for a week if he wanted to go to the doctor to which he always said he would be better in the morning and would not worry about it. So after missing a week of work (he went to work two day in the last week, one day he was there 1/2 a day and the other he was there an hour before coming home) he finally went to the doctor. Much to our surprise he is really sick. The doctor said this has been very common of the last few weeks due to the flooding and large amounts of standing water. At first I did not get the connection. The illness he has is carried by mosquitoes. Doctor said there are a few possibilities that need more pinpointing or confirm what strain or such. Anyway I feel almost bad about telling him to walk it off and such.
I played with the grand-dogs for a while tonight. They will be going home tomorrow. I really enjoy having them stay over. The cats and hubby really enjoy them going home.
How was your day? : )