Cold Sores, Stress, Break-Outs, & Sleep......

Nov 25, 2008 12:09

So my sistahJ is ALSO engaged......she hasn't set a date yet.

I went to her engagement party this weekend in San Diego. Well I'm not sure if it was the drag out fight with my over-bearing brother about my cake and flowers OR the fact my parents bickered the entire weekend OR the fact we couldn't afford for both Bustin & me to go, so I was alone OR listening to my sister's man tease me about the "excuse" I'd politely used for Bustin's absence OR my sister finding the "perfect dress" for me to try on which was twice what we have to spend on our ENTIRE wedding OR my sisters 2+ carat diamond ring which she designed herself OR one of her friends asking if MY ring was a "promise ring" because I just hadn't found my REAL ring yet OR the fact I was feeling self conscious about EVERYthing

I know NONE of the comments were intentionally mean and I'm BEYOND sensitive right now BUT that didn't stop me from breaking out in cold sores before I could even get back home.....not to mention that my face AND ass are broken out in zits as well. I have a tendency to get cold sores when I'm dealing with family stress (even as a wee dino). Oh and while we're at it can we also chat about the fact that every night when I finally DO get to sleep around 2am, I have the most AWFUL dreams of our friends telling me I look like a stuffed sausage in my dress but not to worry cause they can help me with a diet & workout regiment if I want.....I haven't even MADE my dress yet!

Does ANYone out there in LJ-landia have any "hippy"/natural remedies or suggestions for:

*cold sore prevention (I'd like to prevent and not just apply tubes of Abreva)

*sleeping aids

*stress & break-outs

As most o you know, I'm not a big "drug" gurl......I rarely even take Advil but I have 100 days till this wedding and I'd rather not spend the entire time covered in cold sores, zits, and living on 4 hrs o sleep a night. I know sleep is for the sleepy, but I might want SOME before March. =]
Thanks ever so much!!

On another front entirely.......Bustin & I just celebrated 2 yrs together yesterday and we couldn't be happier! YAY for us!!!!!
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