so when i called my 93yr old Grandpa to tell him i was going to be getting married the same day he & my Grandmother AND my great Grandparents(my Grandmother's folks) were married here's what he said......
Grandpa: March 4th, that's MY anniversary.
me: I know, remember I asked you last year if I could also be married on the same day.
Grandpa: Oh you did? Well I don't see why we can't all share the same day. It was a real good day for Mother and I. (my Grandparents were married for 59 yrs before my Grandmother died of cancer) ( I always thought it was sweet he called my Grandmother, "Mother", especially since he was an orphan and didn't really remember his)
Grandpa: So who is it you are marrying?
me: Justin, he's the boy I brought out to visit you last year.
Grandpa: Is he a nice boy??
me: Well Mom & Dad seem to think so.
Grandpa: Well that's good but what about you?
me: I guess I think he's pretty alright too.
Grandpa: Well that's the most important thing really. Isn't it? Is he a member?? ***that would be my Grandpa asking if Bustin is Mormon***
me: No actually, he isn't.
Grandpa: Well what are you going to do about that??
me: I'm sure we'll figure it out Grandpa.
Grandpa: Well you have the rest of this life to figure it out. Does he make you happy?
me: Sooooo much Grandpa!
Grandpa: Well good then, that's what will help you both get through the hard times.
My goodness how he cracks me up. It's so easy to see where my dad gets his sense of humor & disposition from. I only wish Bustin could have meet my Grandmother......she was an amazing lady.
thats my Grandpa, my mom, sistahJ, & her man on the other side o us