Title: Bare Bones 4/6 (Sam-Tales 2013) Author: KathGrey Rating: R Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo Disclaimer: I own nothing, just playing with them. Illustration and Beta: Riazendira
If his hair wasn't already nearly white it would have turned so within months of wrangling the DiNozzo duo. Poor Gibbs, but he needs the challenge. He will never be bored.
Of course Sam tried to help - it was better than sitting in her room worrying! You have made he so much like her Dad with just enough of Gibbs influence in the mix to make her an individual!
^^ Thank you. I sometimes think she isn't annoying enough. One reason why I didn't want to write her as a 15 year old girl. 15 year old girls are Satan's best minions at driving people insane.
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