Title: Bare Bones 3/6 (Sam-Tales 2013) Author: KathGrey Rating: R Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo Disclaimer: I own nothing, just playing with them. Illustration and Beta: Riazendira ( Read more... )
I love to read fics where it is just the two of them, or the team without McGee and Ziva. The interactions are more honest and Tony does not have to be the comic element.
I was tempted to include more case into the fic but erased it. It threatened to develop into a monster. I have the whole case, the motivations, everything plotted but alas... it would have been too much^^
No, you had just enough. After all, it wasn't really about the case - more about Tony, Gibbs and Sam. Also we need you to get back to Always Faithful at some point!
I love, love LOVE your stories about Sam and add my vote for more of Always Faithful, or anything else in this verse. I am now hurrying off to read more chapters.
Comments 11
I still love how perfectly this bit ends. "They grinned at each other. Working as a team of two again wasn’t that bad at all." :-D
I love to read fics where it is just the two of them, or the team without McGee and Ziva. The interactions are more honest and Tony does not have to be the comic element.
Tony and Gibbs as a duo has a nice dynamic.
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