My opinion:
This is my favourite episode of this season till now. The main selling points: Lots of Ducky and great team dynamics. And no Tiva!
The plot could have been better, I thought it wasn’t very mysterious but it was entertaining. I guessed the bad guy the second I saw him interact with the girl. But there was only one moment where I thought that they acted obviously stupid. You just don’t leave a military genius out of your eye sight, if she wants to, she will find a way to escape.
Tony was acting silly, but he showed competency and I loved that he did the interrogation of the one guy fairly unsupervised. Gibbs gave him the task and new that Tony would and could do it. His silliness was over the top and not politically correct, but when is it ever? Loved the head slap, loved how one look of Gibbs made him concentrate. Loved, loved, loved how he grumbled about having to take Ziva on his shoulders and even if some Tiva shippers will squeal, the way she tugged on his hair and rode him like a mule was everything but sexually charged. Because, hey has anyone of you heard him say anything lecherous about it? He didn’t. Tim taking Kate on his shoulders way back was more charged!
Poor Ducky and his Thanks giving meal. He was so disappointed about everyone having plans but really Ducky, giving out the invitations two days before the event? That’s bad planning. And, if I count right, he invited Gibbs since they met at NCIS every year, he should know that a family holiday (and one to give thanks for what you have -.-) would be something to be avoided. All of them showing up at the end was great! Wonderful picture.
I think this one will make it into my top 15 NCIS episodes.