Jan 20, 2017 16:28
Had a couple of days of more manageable weather. Wish I'd been able to get shit done but I'm so tired. Not helped by only 5 hours sleep last night.
Yesterday I rang up the local place that does Physio and OT and tried to ask how much they cost but ended up setting up a referral. The woman I talked to said it sounded like I could be eligible for the NDIS though and may have to apply through that. Problem is, I'm not sure I can get it. My conditions don't count for the no extra detail needed thing and otherwise I have to prove that there are things I can't do. I can't do them but no idea how to prove it. I don't even have a GP right now. Reports or filled in forms from physio and OT etc would help but if I can't see them without having the NDIS it gets complicated. My actual diagnosis letter is a bit wishywashy and she basically blames a lot on me being fat. (she saw me for like 30 mins) It's not always clear if she's saying it is EDS or Joint Hypermobility Syndrome.
I hope to ring the doctor on Monday and see if he can help with any of it. I need a regular GP.
Woke up at 6:30am today. Unfortunately Jan has the news on in the other room so it's full of Trump shit. Wish I knew where my headphones were. I think I might have to nick Ruth's and put something on. I have art to get done for the Cap Reverse Bang and that shit is just making me angry.