Jan 08, 2017 14:32
Lots of talk about moving off LJ to DW. I've been cross posting from DW for years now. I still read my flist on LJ but my biggest problem is image storage. I have all my art up on my LJ scrap book. Dreamwidth doesn't have any image storage. They talked about it in the beggining but it's expensive. I would totally pay for image storage I could trust where I could upload NSFW stuff.
AO3 allows you to show pictures but they don't have storage either so you have to upload it elsewhere and link to it.
I've tried putting things up on Tumblr but the links don't stay steady. They keep changing it so on AO3 and my journal I keep having to change the links so the art is still visible.
Anyone have any ideas? So far all the posts I've seen about switching over and moving away from LJ don't mention the art storage.
The kids are coming over this afternoon and staying here until tomorrow some time. They asked Jan. We don't get a say. *sigh* We both have migraines. Mind you, you're hard pressed to find two days together that I don't have a migraine.
These days I'm spending all my time on my phone, I read twitter there, I play Avengers Academy, I read fic and books there. It's how I talk to people. Especially as I can't knit or spin or draw right now because of the carpel tunnel it gives me something to do. But the carpel tunnel isn't going away this time. Using the phone is hurting so I'm guessing it's not helping. I may have to be off my phone for a while. I need to find a doctor so I can get a referral to a physio and occupational therapist. That involves finding a new doctor though so >_< But at least carpel tunnel is something they should understand.
I've tried looking up accessibility stuff for phones but mostly it's for vision stuff.