I may post a whole bunch on here while I'm on my own. I should go to sleep. It's getting late and the episode I was watching just finished. I almost just shoved the laptop to the side and laid down. I don't remember the last time I slept alone in a double bed. Other than in the mornings once Ruth has got up etc. I think I'll have to grab Richard, my teddy bear. He will help prop up my shoulder too. It keeps dropping and then it's all numb & pins and needles and ugh. Actually everything hurts and keeps waking me up. My hips have been terrible. Feel like before we bought the new mattress and I'd blame this bed but it was doing it up at Hill End too so it's just the flare.
Oh I missed a huge chunk of last month in my round up. A few days after going home from Mandi's we left home to go visit mum while she was off and then I had two specialist appointments. Went up to Mum's on the Friday and saw her new house and met her cats for the first time. She was fostering a bunch and she ended up keeping three from various litters. They were broke too so instead of going out I said I'd cook a roast. I cooked chicken and it was great and they both loved it and then I'm not sure what happened. Either I got a stomach bug or somehow gluten poisoned myself. I know I didn't use anything with gluten but maybe something wasn't cleaned well enough or when Paul moved the toaster maybe a crumb fell in stuff??
I don't know but I spent the next 9 hours throwing up. I couldn't sleep or drink anything without being sick and eventually it started tasting like blood so mum took me to the hospital. Got in pretty quick and was in a room of my own and basically they checked all my vitals, gave me a different type of anti-emetic and then let me stay until they knew it worked. Nurse Guy offered me food to see if it would stay down but I had told them about the gluten thing and reminded him and he said he didn't have anything. We went home and I managed to sleep but that day I was in so much pain. My whole skin hurt so bad and I had constant migraines and nausea and sort of vertigo stuff.
I was meant to head to Penrith for my specialist on Monday but I decided I couldn't do it and stayed another night with mum.
So I had to cancel the cardiologist which was okay because I'm not sure my heart/blood pressure issues showed up on the test. It's been playing up a lot since I've done way too much for the move and ended up in a massive flare but yeah, the halter monitor was done in the coldest part of the year and temperature is the main trigger.
I drove to Penrith on the Tuesday and although my skin wasn't hurting any more I still had the dizzy/vertigo thing and really bad nausea and migraines. Actually it took like a week for me to get over that. I was really exhausted too but then I wasn't eating much of anything.
Wednesday I had the Neurologist appointment. Decided I couldn't walk from the car park to the hospital given how hard it is to find a park there and how much it costs so we got a cab. Got there $20 later and found out that I'd left the MRI results at Jan's. Ruth caught a cab back and then to the hospital again and made it just after I'd gone in. So it was $80 spent on cabs. And then the guy didn't look at the MRI anyway. He looked for a report and as there wasn't one he said I should get another one done anyway but at Penrith hospital. Ugh.
He also decided to up my calcium channel blocker and gave me 5 days of steroids because he said I'd basically had a constant migraine for years if it was turning up every day or every other day and sometimes the short course of steroids can help. He was very open about all the treatments only working on some people and how his goal was to reduce my migraines because he'd not be able to stop them all together but this is fine. I've lived with them for 18 years. I get that there's no miracle cure. I wasn't looking for one. Just a reduction makes a big difference in my life.
This was over a month ago now and since then I've only had to take migraine meds like three times once the whole being sick thing was over. Three times!! In over a month. I've been on meds before that have helped for a few months or 6 months at the most and then stopped working as well but even if that happens, this is the best time for the reduction given how stressful and exhausting things are.
Oh I've also got new glasses and we couldn't afford the coloured lenses so they're clear and usually not wearing my dark, dark blue glasses causes instant migraines but I've been mostly okay.
I still wear sunglasses any time I'm near daylight and sometimes driving I have to wear the blue ones and sunglasses if it's particularly bright out but it's still an improvement. My new glasses have helped more than I thought they would too. Took them off to clean earlier and realised I couldn't even read the big menu on the TV enough to navigate.
I miss Ruth. I miss being able to share twitter stuff with her and get cuddles and just hearing her breath next to me in bed (she's been falling asleep much earlier than me & getting up earlier) helps me to sleep. So I'm not asleep. I was glad to hear they got to Hill End okay. So glad my phone works out there now though. I would have been panicking massively if I couldn't text her a few times and then talk to her when they got there.
Oh they managed to forget the keys. >_< Luckily Ruth knows how to break in. I didn't even think. Jeff has one set and I have the other on my keyring and I need my car keys and the key to this house so I didn't hand them over.
Guess I should go to the loo and try laying down, even if all I do is catch up on Twitter for a few hours.
Have to be up tomorrow as the guy should be coming to change the door handles. Jan's study one broke when the door was closed and Jeff had to break it off to get in and ours doesn't latch in properly and some of the others are really hard for me to open so Jan bought leaver handles. Ours will have keys to lock it from outside. I don't want the kids getting in here and getting in to my meds or our chocolate or the other stuff in our bedside table. This room used to be where they slept when they stayed over and where their toys were kept so they are more inclined to just barge in.