Jun 12, 2016 15:21
This has gone on long enough. I've ended up out of the habit of checking LJ and I haven't written properly for about a month.
I will write up on what happened while we were in Penrith last month just so I have it on my journal but for now I'll write about after.
It took over 2 weeks and some strapping tape but my neck recovered to it's usual levels of pain. I'd like to be able to strap it again but I've been waiting for my skin to recover. It doesn't like the tape. We found a car to buy. Roger checked it all out and decided it was the right one to get. It was the same type as our old car but a year newer and with really low kms. 67,000 on a 10 year old car. It was a private sale and cost more than we had but Jan lent us the rest. It cost $9500 and then there was the stamp duty and it was a bit shaky and pulling to the right when it got up to speed so got it in to get the tyres and brakes checked. Ended up with $1300 worth of new tyres, new brakes and the 60,000 km service. Ugh but now we know it's okay to drive these roads. The tyres were actually the original ones for the car so they needed replacing. They had some tread left but they were cracking and deteriorating because of the age.
We also got to go and see Lefaym and her partner while we were down which was great as we haven't had a chance to since Christmas what with everything that's happened. It was great to catch up even if I was a bit vague.
We realised that we could go see X-men on Sunday (because of my phone provider I can get cheaper tickets at the Hoyts cinemas and we don't have one up here) but then before I woke up Roger rang and they needed us to take the kids because Judi couldn't cope. Why Roger couldn't come over and look after them over at Jan's I don't know. Ugh. So the only free time we had ended up being spent looking after two young kids who were going spare because it had been pissing down for days. Jan was at church and then she went for a nap when she got home so we had the kids from 10am until nearly 8pm when they went home to bed. Roger had asked for them to stay over but we were staying in the bed they sleep in etc so Jan said no. They are meant to have someone there helping them during the week but she'd been off sick for two days.
I ended up spending most of the time drawing Octonauts and gups for Justin. He was very demanding but seemed to like my drawings. It was easier than it used to be when you had to watch him or join in with running about or climbing on things.
Monday I finished writing a relationship statement for Alisso and Raquel while Ruth went shopping with her mum then we packed the car, picked up the dogs and dropped the statement off at Alisso's before driving home. It wasn't too bad a drive. The car seems good. It is very similar to the old one, down to the annoying squeak in the chair (seriously thought we'd got away from that buying a new car). It feels the same to sit in and it fits all our stuff and it didn't cause me any more pain to drive that far. \o/
It got dark around Lithgow so I didn't have to drive into the sun for too long. There wasn't too much rain. I was worried because it was raining so hard the day before.
Since then we've stayed home. We paid the rent and dropped round to a Pop Up shop someone we know vaguely was having next to Northey's. It was about knitting and wool but seemed to be arty and above our understanding. It may mean we get some knitting commissions but yeah, I think it was about selling an experience and art. I don't know. She didn't want people to look at the labels on the yarn, even us. I'm not very art. I mean I draw and paint and take photos and knit and spin but all the concept stuff, the ideas behind it are a bit beyond me. (She'd said something about not posting photos of progress on the net, no photos unless it was some magical coming in to being thing that she was going to get someone else to do. Said people didn't want to see stuff about what went wrong or how much work it was or about the car etc. I don't know. I like knowing people are real, that work went in to it. I don't think you should divorce the progress of making from the people who buy it. I guess there's a place for both styles.)
It is my birthday on Monday. I'll be 35. Not actually doing anything. Can't afford to, just bought a car. Ruth has bought me a book. I don't know what it is. She just wanted to buy me something as a surprise as I haven't really got birthday presents in a long time. Certainly not something I can be given on my birthday. Dad and Dave gave us money earlier in the year and I got that coat and my computer and graphics tablet so I don't really need anything. (The rest of the money went towards the car rather than to the NZ trip thing but we'll see how we go with that)
I did want to buy some resin clay to play with. I have a bunch of statues I want to make and I wanted to see if I could manage resin clay any better than poly clay. My hands aren't really strong enough for poly clay. Can't order that until we get paid again. Money got spent on a comic and Ruth's watch and a book etc so we don't have much left until we get paid.
I had wanted to get Pizza Capers pizza for my birthday but they shut down at the beginning of the year. No idea what to do now. We're in town on Tuesday to get shopping and get our eyes tested. We both really need new glasses. No idea how much that will cost.
Anyway I'm going to start trying to get on LJ every day. Hopefully I'll write something but I want to get back into reading it. I have been sort of thinking about doing some drawing every day. Will see if that happens. I have a bunch of Big Bang stuff to do.
Oh also my doctor had left the practice (They're usually only there for about a year) but she came back to sort out my referrals. She's got me an appointment to see a Cardiologist in Penrith (There's no public health Cardiology or Neurology unit in Bathurst so I'd have to pay) in July. I have to get a Holter test done (24 hr heart monitor) before then. Problem is, my heart/blood pressure issues are so much worse in summer. It's now the coldest part of the year. I'm meant to get a phone call about a Neurology appointment to but we'll see.