Title: A Study of Bucky Barnes ages 13, 17 and 23 by Steven G. Rogers
Characters/Pairings: Bucky/Steve
Rating: PG
Content: Sketches Steve has drawn of Bucky at 13, 17 & 23
First up, I’m afraid I’m not as good an artist as Steve is meant to be so you’ll have to excuse that. I wanted to show a bunch of finished drawings Steve had done of Bucky over the years.
I had other things to do today but there were too many Bucky feels so I listened to Jazz and drew these. It’s up to you whether Steve kept the drawings after making them. I know it wasn’t always safe to have these sort of drawings hanging around but Steve lived in a pretty queer part of town. I know there are much more obvious art that has survived from that period so I don’t know. I have a feeling that the muscle definition in the last one is way too modern. I’m pretty sure Bucky would have been working physical jobs and all but I can’t find decent period reference pieces so it will have to do. I think the arms and chest are okay but maybe not the stomach muscles. *shrug*
I think my favourite thing is how Bucky gets progressively more involved. It’s probable he didn’t know he was being drawn in the first one. I think he was genuinely asleep
Sorry if I've posted this before but I couldn't find it when I looked through my art tag