Title: When Light Comes Calling (you crawl out of the dark)
Fandom: MCU
Pairing: Steve/Bucky
Rating: PG-13
Artist Notes: I accidentally arted.
I was meant to be knitting or working on my Big Bang art but the internet isn’t working and I was looking through my reference pictures for something I could use in the big bang stuff as I couldn’t just use google and this happened.
I wanted to draw pre serum Steve/Bucky but that isn’t really what this is either.
Bucky/Steve/Peggy post coital snuggling. Bare male chest but nothing else showing.
I can see many mistakes but it’s done for now. Needed some fluff. No idea how or why this happened but both Peggy and Bucky saw beyond the body Steve was in.
Steve, Bucky and Peggy. Line art done in Paint Tool SAI and colouring done in Photoshop CS2 with my touch screen pen. I really miss my Wacom.