No twitter for me

May 30, 2012 11:36

Last night I was getting up to stop some little critter thing being burnt to death as it was crawling on the log in the fire and as I stood my phone fell off the chair and in to the dog water bowl.


Can't get a new phone until Ruth's contract runs out in October. Mine is just a pre-paid. I've always had second hand phones.

Anyway. This means I'm going to have to not be on twitter. My phone was the only place I could read it these days.

The actual website is white and gives me headaches but even more than that it just wont load properly, it takes 10 mins to actually post a tweet and when it does it's constantly coming up with messages like 'something went wrong, try again in a few minutes' or 'You've already tweeted that' this means things get not posted at all or posted many times. That's when it loads at all.
Often can't go back more than 5 hours on the website.

Tweetdeck was having the same sort of problems. I could make it black so it didn't give me a headache but it rarely loaded my feed and gave me error messages when I tried to tweet and it still had that second window trying to update thing that seemed to go away for others after a month or so but never did on mine no matter what I did.

I don't think my internet is fast enough for it. But then Gravity on my phone was always a trouper. Sure it would only go back 5 or 6 hours but at least I could tweet and keep up with some stuff.

My phone is in pieces in a tub with some rice. Ruth thinks I should leave it several days at least. I don't have much hope of it actually working as for once there was a decent amount of water in the dogs bowl and it sunk.

I'm devastated because my phone was also the only way I could read fic and e-books. Sitting here is too uncomfortable.
If it's totally gone then I've lost a bunch of photos as well but only the last few weeks and only the ones I didn't tweet.

So if I want to read in bed I have to actually read a book now which means having the light on. Also books are heavy and use up a lot more spoons than reading on the phone.
It also means I'm going to be completely offline for over half the day. I'm on the computer from around 11 till about 4 then I'm usually in the arm chair with my phone.

I'm also without my alarms, clock, calendar, note taker etc. Ruth's phone makes phone calls and texts and has an alarm. And of those, the alarm is the only thing that works in the house.

I need a laptop. Or a tablet. >_<

Oh also found out they're not bringing the National Broadband Network out our way in the next 3 years. Mudgee is getting it but not this far out.
Brilliant. $95 for 5gig peak time for the foreseeable future. *sobs*

twitter, sobs, phone

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