(no subject)

Sep 03, 2011 00:53

Toady I am grateful that Ruth is feeling better and able to do stuff as I have been terrible at it. No brain at all
I am grateful for the amazing risotto Ruth made for dinner
I am grateful for yummy decaf coffee from Peaberry. It tastes like real coffee but I can drink it in the evening.
I've been feeling much happier today. I woke (eventually, slept 12 hours badly and full of nightmares and my bottle of drink ended up with ants all over it and because I can't see when I wake up I drank some and then they were in the drink and on me and ick.) to great news from a super person in my email. And also an email from the person organising the October Long Weekend Markets in the village hall saying there was room left and a table is only $5 \o/ Now I need to make stuff to sell. >.<
Then I got to talk to Kitty which I haven't done properly in ages
And random_yayness is coming to Aus at some point and we get to meet her \o/

I don't have photos today but have some links
This art and this one by redkidone on deviantArt are so amazingly gorgeous. I really want to make art like this.

sairalv on flickr has some gorgeous pics of pugs.

Hendrick's Gin is having a cocktail umbrella design contest with a trip to London Cocktail Week as the prize but it's only open to UK residents. Pass it on to your UK artists/designers

The Doctor's Facebook Wall is funny

And this video by Mall made my chest ache. Oh to be able to paint like that. I adore her art progress videos so much. I learn about painting watching them but most of all they are just so beautiful.

Goes off to watch Mall's vid again before feeding the pets and heading to bed

things that make me happy, friends are awesome

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