okay, first off Ruthy wrote a much better post over
Here so go check that out if you want background. I'm too weary to write that much.
however, the gist of it is, it's coming up to AIDS Awareness Week and this is the fist year in about 5 that I haven't had allot to do with it and I'm feeling a bit miffed about that.
Normally we make lots and lots of ribbons and help with stuff at ACON but it's not going to happen this year so I was thinking about something I could do. cc
Then Ruth wrote the next chapter of her Harry/Ron story and used a safe sex charm and started talking about safe sex in fan fiction. We came up with the idea that she will write safe sex into her story and I'll make pictures *g*
So my challenge to myself is to create a drawble (quick drawing) based on Safe Sex, using the Harry Potter characters every day until World AIDS Day on the 1st Dec. I'm not talking big detail stuff, mainly it will be the characters talking about safe sex so don't worry if you're not into HP slash. The main part of this challenge will probably be Harry and Ron debunking some myths about HIV/AIDS
We’d like to send out a little challenge to our fellow ficcers and fan artist to write a little safe sex into their next fic, or make some art!. Whether it’s full-on hot smut or just a funny scene between two characters laughing about what Muggles use for contraceptives, have a go. Do your bit over the next two weeks to help prevent HIV/AIDS transmission. And if you do, you can use the pretty banner that
kath_ballantyne’s going to make to show that you care about fighting HIV/AIDS.
Take a look at some of the great art we found that ties HP fandom to the message of Safe Sex.
lukadia's World AIDS Day art from 2005.
Chibi!Ron and Hermione, and the process of correctly putting on a condom. Hilarious.
Alastor Moody's word on safe sex by Artistic Entropy. Really very scary.
We Do It Safe - Harry/Draco spreading the word, by
Isi-Angelwings *
Very simple, powerful and beautiful work by
Harry-Potter-Spain for the AIDS-ART-A-THON on deviantart.