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Sep 18, 2006 13:40


It really goes without saying that Blake does indeed have a profound effect on Patrick White's work! Like cmon, check out the beginning of Riders of the Chariots- where Blake is quoted directly from his work The Marriage of Heaven and Hell!!! Now if that's not a srong indicator of Blake's influence, I dunno what is! From looking at this quote it could be said that both Blake and White have visions. They strive to find the "finite" in everything- which is made evident straight away thanks to the very subtle epigraph.
I feel that this indeed indicates the strong presence of Blake's ideas that are going to be made apparent in White's work.

Now again, look at opening two pages of the Riders of the Chariots... Miss Hare is oblivious to everything that is going on around her, however we do get the impression that her inside senses are alert and switched on. Perhaps this is going to pick up Blake's idea that there is more to the human being than the five senses, as we saw in the Visions of the Daughters of Albion. Wouldn't surprise me, it's like it already has a strong sense of forboding ad we are only two pages into the novel!!!

Can I also just draw your attention to the first page of Malouf's Introduction to Riders, where he quotes White directly concerning his views on Australia (which I do not agree with at all, but thats another story! haha). This carries the same idea that Blake is trying to bring across in his poem 'London' as it serves as a type of social commentary, picking up on the wrongs of the place and time. Blake states that London (like White speaks of Australia) is a place which lacks insight. For example this is seen in White's quote "beautiful youths and girls stare at life through blind blue eyes", which perhaps indicates that yes there is external beauty, but there is most definitely internal blindness. For Blake places like the "blackning Church" and "run in blood down palace walls" demonstrate lack of insight.

Now noone can possibly dispute the great influence Blakey has had on Whitey!!!
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