(no subject)

Jan 15, 2009 11:19

Well, I have finally convinced myself that taking ibuprofen and putting a bit of muscle rub on a very tired knee is not really 'giving up'. I had a good (stationary) bike ride today, and my legs feel looser for it, but the knee insists upon being tired. I'm thinking I've just run into one of those 'plateau' times, and am going to have to deal with it 'til the knee gets over whatever the hell is up.

It also may or may not have something to do with changes in atmospheric pressure, I dunno. The weather has been a little strange... but still I'm thinking it's mostly the heavier-duty exercise program I've been undertaking.

Saw Darren today for a re-check, and he agreed that my quads are getting stronger. We're scheduling an objective test using a Biodex machine. I can't link an image, 'cause I don't know what type I'll be using yet. But if you do a Google image search, it all seems vaguely Star Trek/torture chamber. Very fun.

And okay, I am going to hazard a guess. Based on what my roommates hae told me, it's probably like this one:

(I am not going to smile like that - but yay Kine major roomies!)

I've finished the Preface, Introduction and first chapter of the Marcuse Essay on Liberation for Monday. Reading critical theory makes me think that past profs, Pyrcz especially, are closet revolutionaries. At least, he was presenting tonnes of these arguments. I understand the courses in Mass Media and Political Argument better now. I love fourth year. It's like third year. To quote Kronk: "Oh yeah. It's all comin' together."

I also think that if we ever wind up in a police state (a la 'V for Vendetta'), and these books are found, I will be one of the first up against the wall. Or in a government medical facility. Or what-have-you.

I'm hungry, so if the pakora I have from work isn't totally dry, I think I'll eat that, pack up the second half of the peanut butter and sandwich I made for post-physio food, and then head out. Well, head out in an hour. But I may as well show up early. I don't want to hit chapter 2 of Marcuse until tonight, or maybe tomorrow morning. I can probably do some Latin while I wait, though. Or maybe, if I'm still hungry after the pakora, I can make soup. My gods, this world is but a buffet!

And... yes. The point of this entry, I guess, is that my knee is sore today, but doing well.

Also, I smell like Pain-a-Trate. Which is sort of toothpastey and Tiger Balm-y, and weird. But still. Feelin' better.

life, school, bionic knee

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