The Plan:

Dec 13, 2008 08:52

- Finish my cup of tea
- Shower
- Head to Just Us and write the Greek 'take home' (About half-done; digging through translations is time-consuming.)
- Work from 11:00-18:00
- Attend the staff party
- Be home at something of a reasonable hour (All right, after midnight is not entirely reasonable, but I had a good time. Yay social net!)
- Sleep, in preparation for tomorrow

- Go for a run
- Finish the rough draft of my Greek take-home
- Work on the thesis (Accomplished by way of reading Livy for an hour.)
- Work from 17:00-23:00

- Physio at 07:00 if we can swing it
- Work from 09:00-17:00
- Maybe do some thesis in the evening... if not dead on feet ('some' being the key word)

Ahah. And the tea is finished. And... go!


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