Aug 19, 2005 13:25
i haven't posted a real update in a while
so here goes
been DDRing a decent amount lately. DDRed and ITGed last night at Funworld. brought Marco after eating breakfast/lunch at IHOP. i managed to lock my keys in my car, still in the ignition. >_< so i called AAA. they were a bit late but they got 'em out in like 2 minutes. Edd showed up a bit before the AAA guy and the three of us ITGed for a while after. good stuff : D
got work today 2:00 - 6:15. after, i'm gonna come home and CLEAN MY ROOM. i've been threatened with not getting the room downstairs if my current room is still a mess when it's finished. so i'm actually going to make an honest effort this time. weird, huh? i really want the downstairs roooooom.
i'm really starting to regret my lack of attending classes at Riv. i thought at first that i didn't want to go back because of all the bad stuff that happened, but now i really want to. i'm going to be taking some classes at Salem State so i can bring my GPA up enough to go back. maybe next fall? i'd be going in as a sophomore but it'd still be nice. ho hum... : \
time to get ready for work
ta ta for now <3