I Have A Lot Of Work To Do: The Story Of One Girl And Her Private sChool Education

Feb 14, 2005 03:15

I really love totally lame stuff.  it is so funny!  hooplah!  ok so ill just list everything i must accomplish, not so you can feel sorry for me, but so you can compare our work loads and feel justified if yours is larger.  look at that cynicism!

1) Math -- Proj, block, quiz.

2) Free (yea right as if the chains of responsibility will free me for fitty five minutes of FREEDOM!?!?!) -- i don't know, work my ass off?

3) Chem -- a quiz that was due friday (i wasnt there) that i probably wont get credit for because i didnt print it off and its no longer on the site

4) Art -- 2 (or 3?) weekly assignments, about 12 textures (rubbings and actual)

5) French -- lmnop

6) English -- 4-6 of Gatsby, vocab quiz, initial proposal for research proj

7) Political Thought -- jesus christ...

CITYterm app must be at the post office by the end of the day (preferably in the morning but that's not going to happen.  if i can get it postmarked tomorrow [today], i'll be so satisfied).  so that means a 500 word or less essay and some BULLSHIT TO SIT IN!

Oh right, it's valentines day.  well happy fucking kissy day to anyone who has a date and or gf/bf.  go masturbate later, see what it feels like you slut.
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