Title: Argyle
Summary: Aziraphale wondered how they had jumped from argyle to sex so fast.
Rating: R-ish for talk of sex
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Pairing:Aziraphale/Crowley of Good Omens
Authors Notes: erm, none. unbeta'd so let me know if you find anything that should be changed :)
“Argyle?” Crowley said incredulously, staring at Aziraphale’s sweater with a look that was a combination of amusement and disdain.
Aziraphale looked down at his sweater in confusion. It was a very nice sweater, he thought defensively. True, he only brought it out every five years or so for special occasions, but it was still in pristine condition.
“What’s wrong with it?” he asked, affronted.
“What’s wrong with it?! First plaid, now argyle? Are you trying on purpose to be unsexy?”
“Well, I’m not making an effort one way or another,” Aziraphale replied, flustered. He didn’t even know Crowley took notice of his clothing, let alone judged it based on sexiness. If it was unsexy this time, that meant that at one time… Crowley must have found him sexy. Aziraphale blinked.
“Well, I know you’re not making an effort,” Crowley said meaningfully, “but you could at least make an effort to dress in something halfway decent.”
“This is a very nice sweater!” Aziraphale argued. “Besides, we can’t all be sexy demons in black eyeliner all the time.”
“You think I’m sssexy?” Crowley hissed, clearly amused.
Aziraphale felt himself grow redder by the minute. All this talk of sex was making him decidedly uncomfortable. He wondered how they had jumped from argyle to sex so fast.
“You know,” Crowley mused, “when you blush you’re almost sort of sexy.”
Aziraphale couldn’t see Crowley’s eyes behind his sunglasses but he could most certainly feel them looking him over in a very predatory manner. He wondered vaguely when it had got so hot in the room.
“Let’s just go to dinner,” Aziraphale said abruptly. He didn’t like where this was going at all and perhaps stepping outside into the snow would cool him down.
“If you insssist,” Crowley hissed, a smirk on his lips.
“You know,” Crowley reflected as they climbed into the Bently, “argyle isn’t so bad.”
Aziraphale beamed. “I knew you’d come around!”
“It’s actually quite sexy,” Crowley continued.
Aziraphale swallowed as Crowley revved the engine, glancing over at the angel. He knew he should have worn the plaid.