Title: Come to My Window
Summary: From the first time Sirius saw the new gardener he knew he had to have him
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine. No money made, still a poor student I assure you.
Pairing: Sirius/Remus
Fic Notes: AU
Authors notes: written for
tarie 's
Illustrated Ficcish Wish Fulfillment Swap based on the lovely piece of art found
here by
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I'd like to see you continue this!
PS, Kreacher.
bwa ha ha, that honestly made me giggle. I'm so immature *g*
eep! how could I/Erin have missed that? thanks! (god, I used his name a lot, you must've been like itching with irritation by the end :P)
Um, there's also another bit where it says "ascended" when I'm pretty sure you meant "descended". Sorry to pick at it like this . . .
lol, don't even worry. It was pretty late when erin was beta'ing and she had a headache, poor thing. and well, I have no excuse other than my own stupidity :P I shall change asap, thanks so much for pointing it out :)
Don't worry, I'll fire myself. *headdesk*
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