Title: Destiny
Rating: G
Verse: G1 (Magical!bots AU)
Warnings: None
It was a beautiful night. The clouds had parted, revealing a breath-taking full moon and a vista of twinkling stars scattered above in the heavens. Two mechs were out in a newly rain-washed field, enjoying the solitude. Or, they might have been, if it weren’t for the orating cat.
“We have a grand Purpose,” Tranquility was saying sanctimoniously, “to protect the innocent and vanquish the guilty; to uphold Truth and dispense Justice where and when it’s needed. We must make a Stand against Evil wherever we might find it, even though it might cost us our lives.”
“I’m too old for this slag.”
“That’s your excuse for everything.” Jazz said cheerfully. Ironhide twisted around, tugging at the purple bow attached just above his aft.
“I am too old for this.” He insisted. “This kinda thing is more suited for you young mechs.”
“What, the skirts? I think it makes you look pretty, ‘Hide.”
“Frag off.”
“You have been chosen for a great Destiny.” Tranquility continued over their banter. “Together with your friends, you must unite to protect the Earth from the Darkness that approaches. Only the Chosen fighting jointly as One can prevail!”
Ironhide ignored the preaching cat, and Jazz tuned her out with practiced ease. The speech had been interesting the first time, but Tranquility brought it out for every new mech inducted in to their team. She had never appreciated Jazz’s attempts to spice it up, either. (Sideswipe, at least, had liked his rap. So had Bumblebee. Prowl had insisted he hadn’t liked it at all, but Jazz wasn’t fooled. He’d seen the minuscule smile that had nearly broken free.)
“This is stupid. Bumblebee shoots sparkles, for Primus’ sake!”
“If it’s stupid but works, it ain’t stupid.”
Ironhide grunted in response. “I s’ppose.” He hefted the graceful red rod in his hands, eyeing it speculatively. “How’d ya say this here thing works again?”
Jazz grinned and slapped him on the back struts. “Welcome to the team, my mech.”
“Are you two even listening?” Tranquility demanded.
A/N: And it lives again! Nano is seriously sapping my creativity -- and I don't even have the excuse that I'm getting a lot written. *prods at it*
Tranquility has the Habit of orating in Capital Letters. This is because it makes her sound Very Important. (Also, she hopes the capitalizing might make certain bots pay attention. So far it's not working, to her dismay.)
Jazz won't tell me exactly what he said in his rap, but he assures me it was much cooler than the Pokemon rap.