Title: Persistence (30 smiles)
Rating: PG
Pairing: Silverbolt/Blackarachnia
Verse: Beast Wars
Notes: I found a set of prompts from the old
30_smiles LJ community on my harddrive and decided to give it a shot, drabble-style. (The comm itself is gone now, but I liked this set better than the replacement comm's sets, so.) Thirty smiles shared between our favorite star-crossed lovers in no particular order. 15/30, so far. (First five are
here, second five are
Empty the pocket
“We could just leave,” she suggests one day. “Just the two of us. We don’t need this stupid war. There’s an entire world out there to get lost in.”
“For you I would fly even to the ends of the universe,” he replies. He smiles then, and it’s all she can do not to fidget under his knowing gaze. “But I do not think you are really so eager to leave our comrades undefended or our battles unfought.”
She sighs and settles back in to the curve of his arm. “I guess,” she says. “But it’s nice to have options.”
Still in my lips
It’s just a kiss.
It isn’t like it really means anything. After all, if he’s going to follow her around like a lovesick puppy, she might as well profit from it. If all it takes is a few kisses to keep him at her beck and call, she has plenty more. It’s just business, nothing more.
But his taste lingers on her lips; wind and wolf and oil mixing in to something uniquely him. And her lips curve up in remembrance before she realizes it.
She spends the rest of the day attempting to suppress that smile with minimal success.
Soap Bubbles
His lady’s smiles are beautiful but rare and ephemeral, even now. Oh, her pretty lips will curve upwards in a smirk easily enough, and he likes those, too. She is beautiful no matter what she does, even covered in grime and screaming insults at enemy and ally alike.
But smiles - real smiles, when her entire frame seems to shimmer and glow from within and unadulterated happiness overflows from her spark for a few tantalizing cycles - are as rare as transits of Venus and as fleeting as soap bubbles, and more precious to him than all the Energon in the universe.
Creating common memories with me
“You don’t need to remember Cybertron anyways,” she says peremptorily, her back to him as she looks out across the moonlit desert.
“No,” he agrees as he joins her, his paw warm on her shoulder. She casts him a curious glance. “Any remembrances of that world would be dull and gloomy without your presence, beloved. The memories we create here, in this time, are worth a thousand of those I might have had in any life before you.”
The smile she flashes him is as quick - and as bright - as the brilliant meteors streaking across the night-dark sky above them.
Lady, lady, lady
“Lady, lady, lady, lady, don’t walk this lonely avenue-AROO!”
“Will someone shut that accursed canine up? Inferno!”
“Yes, Royalty!”
Inferno salutes and marches out of the command room and Blackarachnia snarls. Ignoring the snickering, she quickly accesses the loudspeaker. “Shut up, you stupid mutt!”
Silverbolt, locked within the Predacon brig, pauses to smile at the camera. “If my words will reach you, I will serenade you until the stars fall, my lady!”
As he launches in to the next verse, she finds herself hoping in a kind of despairing disgust that the Maximals will arrive soon for the inevitable rescue.
Soap bubbles: Silverbolt is exaggerating: transits of Venus (when Venus is visible as a shadow crossing the Sun's face as it passes directly between the Earth and Sun) occur in a pattern that repeats every 243 years of four transits per cycle (full info
here at Wikipedia).
Empty the pocket: "Empty the Pocket" is a character song from the anime Escaflowne. To 'empty your pockets' in this sense is a metaphor for throwing away your cares and starting fresh. Or, in their case, leaving the war behind and running off in to the sunset. This really doesn't fit either of their characters IMO, but as Blackarachnia says, it's nice to dream ;)
Lady, lady, lady: Yeah, um. Well, I had to write crack in to this collection somehow, didn't I? 'Lady, lady, lady' is an actual song, as anyone who's seen 'Flashdance' can attest to. It's sung by Joe Esposito and it's really quite pretty (and appropriate).