The goal here was a little quality time with my furbaby at Schoenfeld Park---a popular place to walk, jog, or mostly take your dog for a walk. Jake by they way, isn't particularly fond of it-it's that trees and strange places thing - but the point is taking him with. I took my camera because I was thinking of getting shots of the interaction between dogs and their human's, an idea I got from another blogger.
Along the road, though, there are these abandoned buildings and sections of fence so I stopped to take, oh, around 80 pictures. We did finally make it to the parking lot of the trail, but by then Jakey was done with this adventure. Not time wasted though since the point was going with Mom & he really is a little trooper doggedly following along behind me-well until one point when he decided I could take pictures, he'd lay in the shade by the truck and watch.
I really wasn't going to post this many of Jake, but I think @kirshenehn influenced me. Really enjoy his hiking photo's with Charlie.
We met this guy taking some photo's around his place, where I stepped a step over for a better angle---and fell into a muddy ditch. Embarrassing--- I didn't think I was going to get out without help. the stance the other dog is taking is, I learned, a submissive stance. Like, really Pooch? You do know Jake would fit under you, right?
No clue what that car is doing up there.
Jakey gamely plowing through grass taller than he was
I'll just wait here...