Roses are red

Jun 22, 2006 11:29

Today is the best day I've had in ages and all because of 3 little sentences from Lynda...
"I have your Child Development Essay. You got a B-. Well done."


How stoked am I??? Well very stoked. It's also very stok-ti-fying to know that I did better than the other girls. Does this make me a bad person? But sometimes I feel like they think I don't actually try at school and put my best effort in and yes sometimes I probably don't but this time I did under the circumstances and I guess it shows. Also I am stoked because I was absolutely positive I would get a resubmit on the essay. I'm feeling like a million bucks right now..if only I have a million bucks to go with the feeling. And the other thing that this is good for is because today I was positive I had made the wrong choice in coming to China because my schooling would lack and yeah I probably haven't done as much study as I should have but I think this shows it isn't lacking too badly. Last year I got C's and I was still going to lectures! Imagine what I can do next semester..the mind can only wonder. Anyway, time to do some study on my Uni portfolio - it's one of the most important things I have to do as if I fail it means I a) have to redo the whole course b) have to pay of redoing the whole course and c) won't get my scholarship money this year as to get it you have to pass EVERYTHING. So stress city a bit..
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