Apr 18, 2006 17:04
So today has been a.... slow day...
So, my mom and I just got into a fiery discussion about what I'm going to do with MY life. adlskfjasldf. I hate talking to her about this kind of stuff because she thinks she knows whats best for me in a sitch like this.. and she really has no idea. She really wants to see me with a fair amount of money living a nice comfortable life with money to spend.. which would be a nice thought, but I cant picture myself with all of that if I am an artist or in ministry.. the only ywo things I have any desire to do in my life. She already has this pre-concieved notion that my job/marriage will fall apart and I will be alone and a starving artist... which there always will be those possibilities, but their likelyhood is slim to none, I'm pretty sure. Also.. I dont need alot. Food is good. Shelter is good, nice clothes.. not so much.. I can get that stuff at the nearly new shop or on sale. Gaaaahhhhhhh. Well, I feel bad for raising my voice at her... but I did get my feelings hurt a bit when she was sure that what happened to her will happen to me. I dk.. maybe I'm being stubborn. Is bad to be stubborn though? hmm.
Well, besides that.. I'm reading Leviticus. I love it. Alot. It is fantastic.. I just wish I has some Hebrew culture/language education that would help me understand it somewhat better. But I've been reading for hours and I'm only on like.. chapter 11 maybe because of all of the old testament/new testament flipping stuff. I'd really reccomend it if you're into alot of symbolism (like Jesus' relation to the sacrifices and such)
Also I reread some of my favorite psalms... the ones in the 60's are the ones that make me like... talk to myself hahaha. I sit there and I say "KATE. WHY DIDNT YOU NOTICE THAT, YOU CRACKER" so yea. David really rocks... I kinda wish I could talk to him.. I feel like I can really relate... except for the murder part...
In other news.. I finally got that daggum prom dress. stupid dress. and I'm wearing my easter dress to after prom. hooraaaaay!! That dress you'll be seeing alot of this summer.. I'm not letting that moolah go to waste.. I'm going to squeeze out of it all that its worth!!!
I suppose thats all.. other than I'm not going dancing with story and kevin because I'm going to be at some weird thing for some author with my mom... it'll be a bit awkward... just because she and I are kinda on uneven terms at the moment. We'll probably forget about it all in a few minutes.
one last thing... I REALLY like Relient's apathetic EP... alot alot.. I've been listening to it so much recently.. I was saving it for good weather :) AND MAT KEARNEY'S CD CAME OUT TODAY!!!! i've GOT to go get it...